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Thursday, November 18, 2010

William Branham Sermon Quotes

The Following are Excerpts
From Several Sermons
of William Branham
Jan 1, 1956
He told the Church about making a decision in December to quit going on the  road and holding meetings. The expenses were not being met. “Then God showed me a vision And I said, "When is the offering more important than souls before Christ?"  See? “
(Editor’s note) This was the beginning of the end of William Branham’s Ministry.
He Told the Church about having the Tent vision right after that. He said: “And I seen that Light, that all‑‑they have the picture of, you know, that's always in the meetings; I seen that Light leave me”. The Angel told him this was the start of the third pull. The Angel said, "It will not be a public show this time."
Feb 19, 1956 (He was talking about a vision he had before the Tent vision in December.)
“It was the same Angel of God that's always spoke to me”. He said, "You've done just what I told you not to do, standing on the platform, and trying to explain it, and telling the people, and I told you to keep it to yourself." Then he spoke of a tent they were planning to get as a result of the vision.
Prior to      He said that he spoke the life back into a fish
June 1957
June 20, 1958
He said the Holy Spirit told him to stop the meetings and go into the hills till he told him how to conduct the meetings under the new ministry. He said: “But I want first, after the message is over, till I'm assure that the Angel of the Lord is here before, and anointing, before I pray for your handkerchiefs”.
Throughout 1957 & 1958 he spoke a lot about the new ministry the Lord showed him in the Tent vision. He tried praying for the people in a room in the church hoping the new ministry would start.
1957/ 1958     William Branham said that he received the Covered Wagon Vision.
Oct 10, 1959 He said that he spoke some squirrels into existence.
Nov 7, 1959   He said that he spoke the Word for the salvation of Hattie Wright’s sons.
Nov 15, 1959
He told about going hunting on Oct 10th and speaking squirrels into existence. Told about Hattie Wright’s request being given her on Nov 7th.
He told about the changing of his ministry and about speaking life back into a small fish. (Prior to June 1957) (This appeared to be before the squirrels)
William Branham said: Now, when the anointing strikes, "Ask what you will. I have a perfect assurance that when that strikes, and whatever God puts to be asked, it'll be just exactly that way. It has to be. For, if you say to this mount...See, it isn't you speaking. It isn't you; It's God. It's you so‑‑so submitted to God.”
Mar 5, 1960
William Branham said: “There’s a new ministry coming. It’s already confirmed. I don’t know when it will start.”
April 17, 1960
WMB said: “In a vision a few days ago, the Lord Jesus came into my room and said my new ministry has already been confirmed to me. He said you have to accept it by faith and believe it.”
 WMB said: “I'm afraid of defeat. Anything, I'm afraid I'll bring a reproach. I'm always afraid of it, watching, think I'll call the wrong thing. 'Cause, I've took warning of the Bible, how that Moses was given great power, and he smote the rock instead of speaking to it”.
WMB said: “I remember my commission, I was born to pray for sick people. Get them to believe, and be sincere when you pray.”
July 20, 1960
WMB said: “there is a new ministry coming ahead for me. And I, perhaps, I hope that it will start here. However, I'm going to try with all my heart to pray for the sick the way He told me to in this meeting. Said: then I‑‑I'd better go back to the old ministry tonight, and then have the new ministry start tomorrow evening.”
July 22, 1960
WMB Said: “Now, the new ministry is to curse the disease that's in there I'll just speak the word. And it brings... It puts it right back into the lap of the people again. If they will come with the right attitude and believe, it's just got to happen.”
Sept 11, 1960
William Branham recounts what he believed was his commission from God:
I charge you before God, and the elect Angels, and Jesus Christ; the commission was, "Pray for the sick." The question was insufficient to do it. "For this cause you were born; this is the means of your peculiar birth and life, that you are to pray for the sick. If you'll get them to believe you, and be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before your prayer, not even to cancer." How many has read that through the years? It's all over the world.
There's the new ministry. It's just been revealed to me. "Pray for the sick. Get the people to believe you." “God can never leave that. That's His commission; no matter what goes on, how much I fail. I fail miserably. I should've never went ahead with them signs; that wasn't the will of God”.
Dec 11, 1960
Would this man that’s coming just be a preacher, then?" Elijah done all miracles, no preaching. But when his Spirit was upon John, It done all preaching and no miracles.”
“Now, the star, or angel, or messenger of this church age (Laodicean), is unknown. And in the‑‑this Laodicean, we don't know yet, and probably won't know until it's all over.”
“We'll be looking for that great one to rise. He might come in my day; he might come in the younger day. I don't know. He might be right among us now; we can't tell. The Holy Spirit is here to lead us till that time, and when this leader will take us over he'll still be anointed of the Holy Ghost; the Elijah will, of course, that will come.”
Jan 12, 1961
WMB said: “But let me say this, that there will come‑there will come a message, and there will come a messenger. I believe that if it's to be a man, it‑‑it'll be somebody after me.”
“Now, if you'll notice, and I... Little Willie out there put my name under that star out there, and that's the reason I passed it over (You see?), 'cause I‑‑I don't think..Now, I'm going to be honest as I can be. I don't think I'd have anything to do with that messenger. See? That's right. I believe that I'm maybe being sent for a part, this church, to help build that message up to a place to where it would when this forerunner comes, that he will come.”
Jan 17, 1961
WMB said: “when this Elijah comes.....that's the messenger to the Laodicean  church Age. And the message of this great messenger that'll come in this closing day in the Laodicean church Age, the Pentecostal Age, will be the one that'll take the church to the rapture. Exactly. He was raptured himself, and he will come with the church to the rapture.”
Jan 22, 1961
WMB said: “You say the right word. Just say the right thing. It's what you say. That's the new ministry just moving up. I've been standing here for fifteen, twenty minutes waiting for It. See? Just say what you will. He has to tell me first.”
Feb 1961      Date of Brother Jackson’s dream.
Feb 11, 1961
WMB said: “There's a new ministry that God has confirmed, and we know it to be the God's truth. But somehow or another it just won't work here in‑‑in America. It does at other places.”
March 19, 1961
“But when the next Elijah comes in the end time, he's to go back and take the‑‑the father's hearts‑‑the children's hearts, rather, and turn them back to the faith of the Pentecostal fathers. We're looking for him to come. He'll come. God said he would, and he'll be here. I believe, if anything, the message that we got today will forerun that great coming of him.”
March 18, 1962
“God has promised Malachi 4 for this last day, and Malachi 4 has not yet has been fulfilled. The messenger of Malachi 4 will appear at God's appointed time. We are all looking for him. We believe he will come. That is according to His Word; it will be at the end time, which it is time now for to see it.”
Sept 8, 1962
“But then He told me, On the third pull, don't fail. See? And don't tell people. I'm always trying to explain what I'm trying to do. He let me know not to tell people what you're doing. Just do what He tells me to do and let it alone. See?”
Dec 22, 1962 WMB said he had the vision of the Angels and an explosion.
Dec 30, 1962 WMB told the Church they were moving out west. Told about visions.
Jan 1963 WMB and family moved to Arizona
Jan 1963 WMB said he had a vision about the Sword of the King.....being the Word of God
Feb 28, 1963 WMB said he had vision on mountain of Angels and explosion.
March 21, 1963
“And now, we believe that there is to be a coming of the true spirit of Elijah. We may be laying a foundation for it now.”
March 24, 1963
“It may be time. It may be the hour now, that this great person that we're expecting to rise on the scene may rise on the scene. Maybe this ministry that I have tried to take people back to the Word has laid a foundation; and if it has, I'll be leaving you for good. There won't be two of us here the same time. See? If it is, he will increase, I'll decrease. I don't know. But I have been privileged by God to look and see what it was  (See, see?), unfold to that much. Now, that is the truth.”
WMB told about the January vision. “something just come to me and said, "Don't fear." Now, I didn't hear no voice, like on the inside of me spoke. I just tell you the truth, just exactly what happened. Something hit and said, "Don't fear. This is that third pull."”
June 23, 1963 WMB told about a recent vision on the road.
“I am returning to the field. Amen. Old or young, live or die, I'll obey God until death shall set me free. I have failed the Lord, not willing...If God pushes a man through a pipe and he don't move at all until God tells him, there's no faith connected with it. I must go out by faith. I must do it by faith whether I think it's right or wrong, or what... I do the best of my choosing and then go do it. Because it hasn't been wrong, it's 'cause I've waited till He told me to go do it. I've waited for Him, so it wasn't me; it was Him. Give me the‑‑the‑‑the‑‑the Rod of the Lord, that I might stretch it out up over the sick and afflicted, that I might bring it out upon‑‑to bring deliverance to those who are needy and judgment to those who are rejecting.”
July 14, 1963
“He (Moses) was anointed for the job and still waiting for THUS SAITH THE LORD. God must've just got enough of it. He said, "Don't cry anymore; speak. I sent you." God, give me courage to take that Sword of the Word that He put in my hand about thirty‑three years ago and hold it and march forward to the third pull is my prayer.”
July 17, 1963
“But you remember; it was the Holy Spirit that spoke to me up there on the road and said, "I'm sending you back amongst the sick and the afflicted."”
Oct 1963   WMB said he spoke to the storm on the mountain.

Nov 10, 1963

“And, Lord, we don't know what this Third Pull, as we have referred to it, will be. I don't know what. And You said, "The works that I do, shall you do also," and said You did nothing till the Father showed You.”

 Nov 26, 1963 WMB said that he Spoke tumor out of Meda.

 Dec 29, 1963

“The third pull has now been vindicated, and I'm sure you all know what it is. this will be the thing that will start the rapturing faith for the going away.”

 “I may be building a platform for somebody else to step on. I may be taken before that time. I don't know. When I said that, a humble little woman, for the first time this ever happened (the third pull) upon a human being.”

 “The fourth time it happened (I just explained it the last time I was here) was up on the mountain where that storm raging. He said, Just speak to the storm, and it'll cease. Whatever you say, that is what'll happen."

 Said the fifth time was when he spoke the tumor out of Meda.

 “There's no more doubt in my mind. I know what the third pull is, and I know what it does. “
Jan 12, 1964

“We know what the third pull is, we all‑‑we all understand that. Now, I think it'll just lay dormant for a little while, until the great hour of persecution comes on. That's when...?... It'll speak. It'll be manifested. Just like the five straight signs without failure, perfectly.”

Jan 20, 1964

He told about the five times of speaking the Word for something to happen. He said: “Now, that great gift... Others I tried to explain and say how it was done. This can't be explained. Just wait. It will not be in operation so perfectly now. Wait till that council of churches brings on that persecution; that's when it'll happen. That's the reason I come back among you to pray for the sick. I have never had       but one thing that He ever told me in my life that I know that hasn't happened yet, that some sort of a building or a tent where there'd be a little building setting, and I'd have to go into that and pray for the sick. That hasn't happened yet as far as I know..”

 “I remember last fall, coming down about five hundred miles north of here, when You showed me that mountain and said, "Go back and pray for the sick people until the time comes." And here I am, Lord.”

 Jan 25, 1964 “I have requests here for prayer. Which, that is my ministry, praying for the sick.”

 Aug 23, 1964

William Branham, talking about the third pull: No one, even Jesus Himself said, "The Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He seeth the Father do, that doeth the Son likewise. We know that? St. John 5:19.”

 July 25, 1965

WMB said: “The Third Pull, the opening of the Word, the mysteries revealed. And remember the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals to reveal the hidden Truth that's been sealed in the Word.

 (Editors note: WMB was completely confused what he thought the third pull was about.)

 “He, the Voice come back, said, "Not a king's sword, but 'THE King's Sword,' the Word of the Lord. Said, Fear not, it's only the Third Pull. It's the vindication of your ministry."

 Aug 15, 1965

“I'm only building. The hour's close at hand when you're going to see something happen, when something's going to take place and all this background here, has only been laying a foundation for a short, quick message that'll shake the whole nation.

 Nov 27, 1965

And that's why today we're in such a need of this great person that's supposed to be sent to us in the form of the prophet Elijah

 This statement on November 27, 1965 was made by William Branham just one month before he died. God may have demonstrated to him on five occasions what the third pull was, but it never occurred during his ministry. God told WMB to not wait for an anointing to come on him, but in faith to go ahead and speak the word. Because of the fear of failing, William Branham did not attempt it.

 William Branham knew what his commission from God was to be. To do the work of an Evangelist and preach the Gospel.

 William Branham was a great man of God and was responsible for the saving of many thousands of souls. This summary of quotations and events that happened during his life and ministry is published to remind everyone that this great man of God was just a man doing a service for God until he got out of his original calling and began to teach in error.



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