Modern day missionary work and missionaries that are an outreach of a certain church or a church based organization is not based upon the truth of the scriptures. Yet, all of these missionary endeavors base their authority on the scriptures which they call “The Great Commission.” This so called Great Commission is the instructions given by Jesus as is recorded in Matthew 28:19-20 and Mark 16:15. These scriptures say to “go into all the World and preach the Gospel” and is intended to make new converts to Christianity.
There is but one problem with the understanding of these scriptures by these churches and faith based organizations that these instructions or this commission was given to the Lord’s Apostles and not to the individual churches or church groups. I’ll say again, this commission was given to the Apostles and the Apostles only.
The Lord’s Apostles were missionaries and/or ambassadors who were to carry the word of the gospel into the entire World for the sole purpose of spreading the gospel message.
This task given to the Apostles was accomplished by them and the churches have no responsibility, or authority to continue this work today.
Although it is commendable and charitable for these churches to support the efforts of those who have felt a calling to enter into this missionary work, it does become very costly and returns very little dividends for the effort. Missionary work has been supported for many years in most of the same third World countries with very little positive results being achieved.
It appears that all of the churches find more and more ways to milk their congregations out of money. Its bad enough that they press their people to pay tithes, which is not scriptural for the New Testament Church, pump the people for money for a building fund so that larger churches can be erected, they say so more people can be reached. Then they preach that to prove your love for the Lord you should also donate more money they call free will offerings. On top of all of that, you should donate for the support of mission work that is not the responsibility of the churches. It just appears there is no end to these pleas for more money for whatever they can think of.
The Apostles were the only missionaries that the Lord sent out and there were only twelve apostles. That was in the past and the Lord has not ordained apostles to be missionaries today. God has provided for the furtherance of the gospel to be preached outside of our churches by ordaining Evangelists to carry the word today, not missionaries.
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