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Friday, November 12, 2010

Same Sex Marriages

I was once involved in a discussion about same sex marriages and wanted to include this discussion in this study on homosexuals. I started the discussion with the following statement.

Are all masculine males completely male with no feminine tendencies? Are all feminine females completely female with no masculine tendencies? From one end of the spectrum to another, don’t you think that there are some variations in between? If there are some in between both ends of the spectrum, shouldn’t these persons still be recognized as part of the human race and have equal rights along with the rest of us? Do you believe that having feelings for someone of the same sex does not exist normally and this choice of a lifestyle is purely by choice and against nature?

So what is your personal answer to this question? Is it based upon some facts that have been presented to you, or does your belief exist because of what you have been taught? Maybe, your belief is based upon your religious upbringing.

The Bible teaches me that the first woman named Eve was made from the first man Adam. Before Eve was made from Adam, He had all the genetic makeup of both male and female and when the woman was made from him some or all of this genetic makeup was transferred from Adam to Eve. Could it be possible that both males and females, no matter who they are have a combination of male and female genes in them? Have you never heard it asked as to why men have nipples on their chests, since they don’t have babies? Couldn’t this be a result of certain genes in man today, the same as it was in the first man?

Sorry for stating this with so many questions, but I believe that every person needs to consider all of this in their own mind especially if you don’t believe that same sex marriages should or should not take place.

I personally could not choose to have a relationship with another man as most men feel the same way. I also believe that most women feel the same way about other women. Thinking as I do, I have a hard time believing that a completely masculine or feminine person would choose to have a relationship with someone else of the same sex unless they were genetically made that way.

In summary, I believe that type of lifestyle is not just a choice, but it occurs from natural tendencies that a person has and these persons should have equal rights if they want to enter into legal marriages.

Now I’m inclined to believe this is the case, let’s hear your opinions.
One person made the following statement.

“As to your questions, I have met people who certainly give the impression they fall somewhere on a gender scale between all male and all female. I suspect that is why there also aren't just straight and homosexual people, but bisexual and transgender folks. There is also a very real physical condition that sometimes occurs that leaves a person somewhere in between. There are also things that can occur in vitro while sex is being determined that can leave someone confused about their gender identity.

As for the marriage question, my thoughts are somewhere in between or totally different from the regular for and against camps. I believe in a separation of government and marriage, equal rights, and I always believe people have the right to live their lives as they choose as long as they allow others to do the same.

Churches have religious freedom and can perform a marriage ceremony for whomever they choose. Gender should not affect one's legal right to enter into a recognized contract, therefore, states should recognize the civil contracts made between people with no regard to sex or gender. Those who believe homosexuality, or any other relationship considered deviant, is a sin, morally offensive, icky, whatever, should not have to contribute the money they earn to supporting such relationships as through government benefits, nor should they otherwise have to forcibly associate with people engaged in behavior they find abhorrent by renting property or otherwise doing business with them. We should be tolerant and love our neighbors, but we have no right to force others to do so. “

This same person followed up with the following.

“The government is the entity that violates our civil rights. To my mind, forcing people to associate with those whom they choose not, or forcing them to pretend to be tolerant, is a violation of their civil rights.

To be clear, I believe we should tolerate and even embrace all racial and religious groups, those of all socioeconomic classes, sexual identity and more. I just don't think any of us have a right to force our beliefs on other people. Two wrongs don't make a right, so to speak. “

Another person followed up with:

“I may be wrong but I believe that your statement might be construed as a violation of a persons civil rights. When are we, as a people, supposed to decide that anyone should be denied basic rights? If everyone could decide to whom they might rent, sell, or otherwise do business with then a great many people in society could suffer.
I am not at all forcing my beliefs on anyone. If you choose to discriminate that is your choice. What I am saying is very simple, when we as a people choose to become a god and decide that certain people are not worthy of an existence. Then what does that make us.

What if this was applied to me? I am a healthy, white, heterosexual married man. I go to do business with someone or try to buy or rent a house and I am told sorry we do not do business with your kind.

What if this same situation applied to you? What would life be like? The last I checked we do not live in a caste system but then again perhaps we do. “

“When we talk about people's rights, are we not also talking about the right to not tolerate something as well as tolerate it. If someone disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle does that make them a bad person? Does it make someone a bad person if they agree with the homosexual lifestyle? Why does either have to be labeled? Accepting a person for who they are is right, and not accepting a person for who they are is right. Do you see where I am going with this or am I confusing people? Example: I may have a neighbor named Sam who I like as a friend. I find out he likes to be with men intimately. I can still like Sam but not like that he likes to be with a man. That doesn't mean I am intolerant, that just means I don't like the thought of a man being intimate with another man. If it is my personal belief that a person who is a homosexual and participates in a sexual act with someone of the same sex cannot go to heaven, then that would be my own personal belief and I should not be labeled for it. Same goes if I believe that God will take a homosexual because there is nothing wrong with that, which is my personal belief too, should I be hated for believing that.”

Being hated is the problem. I don't agree with a great many things and in the early part of my life I believed that the homosexuals were evil and that was the way I was taught. In my Church at the time if you were a homosexual or just about anyone, that did things opposite of what that Church believed you were condemned to Hell. Nice way to be taught, don't you think.

Fortunately for me, I have grown much older and have read many things and used my own mind to decide for myself. I no longer accept something simply because a "Man of God", or anyone else for that matter, chooses to tell me that that is the way it is.

And finally this discussion ended with the following statement.

I don't know why anyone would be against two adults spending their lives together by choice, regardless of their gender. Aren't there bigger problems in the world? And if someone has a personal and/or religious belief that homosexuality is an abomination, then by all means.... don't be gay. I don't know why anyone would 'choose' to be gay. Did anyone 'choose' to be heterosexual?

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