The True Story
Of the Creation
According to Scripture
The purpose of this article is to make clear what God is telling us about the creation of man and woman, their purpose in creation and why they each have certain attributes which make them different and/or make them alike in certain respects.
Because of the different interpretations that have been developed by a number of people, according to how they understand these scriptures, confusion exists.
If one would just allow the scriptures to speak to us and not be influenced by the erroneous teaching of many others, the understanding of God's message to us would be clear.
Lets start first with Genesis 1:26
Gen 1:26 And God said; Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.
Note first that the scripture quotes God as saying: let us make man, in our image and after our likeness. Who do you think God was speaking to when He used the words us and our?
First of all, the translators erred in translating the Hebrew word "elohiym" into God.
The word "elohiym" which they translated into "God" is the plural form of the Hebrew word "elowahh" which has the meaning of God, in singular form, "one God". The Hebrew word "elohiym", being the plural form, means not "God", but "gods".
The translators of the Bible, knowing very well that the word "elohiym" was plural, meaning more than one "god", continued on and added the words "us" and "our" in the scripture. Why they left the word God instead of using the word gods, only they know. Yes, the words "us" and "our" were added to the scripture by the translators and did not exist in the original Hebrew writing.
If the translators really believed that one God, by Himself, spoke these words in this passage, they would have translated this scripture as follows:
Gen 1:26 And God said: Let me make man in my image, after my likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.
The point I am trying to make here is that you cannot literally accept every word that the translators of the Bible used. Not in the first chapter of Genesis, nor throughout the scriptures to the end of Revelations. If God had actually spoken all of the words in the scriptures, then we could literally accept them all, but because some man mis-translated and added words to the scriptures, we should prove their words by comparing them with the original writings.
Now if this has brought some confusion to your understanding about using the word "God" and "gods" and I'm certain it has, you should at this time read another article I have written about "Yehovah and the elohiym".
To make it clear that the one true and only God created man, we need only to look at what is stated in Genesis 2:7.
Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Here it states that the Lord God formed man. What is the difference between this verse and the god of Genesis 1:26? Here the words "Lord God" were translated from the Hebrew words "Yehovah elohiym." Yehovah is the name of our God as I pointed out in the other article I wrote about Yehovah of the elohiym. In that article I showed that the elohiym were a group of heavenly beings just as Yehovah was. These heavenly beings called the "elohiym" were created by God (Yehovah) and are referred to in scripture as "the sons of God" and "the angels".
Now we should continue with the scriptures and the point being made concerning man and woman.
Verse 27 of Genesis chapter one states as follows:
Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Since we have shown that God (Yehovah) actually created man as was stated in Genesis 2:7, we again note here that "elohiym" is used just as it was in Genesis 1:26. Note in this 27th verse, the translators used the singular designation about what God did, i.e. "his" and "he", instead of using "us" and "our" as they did in Genesis 1:26.
The translators couldn't make up their minds as to what words to add to this word for word translation. In one case they caused it to say that God created "man", so they added the word "him", meaning one man. Then after they translated the Hebrew words "zakar" and "neqebah" to "male" and "female", they added the word "them". So did God create "him" or "them"?
To answer that, we again look at Genesis 2:7 and see that God (Yehovah) created one man.
Now I'll throw you a curve and state that this verse (Gen 1:27) is saying that God created one man and that one man was "male and female". That one man had all of the genetic makeup in his DNA of both male and female.
In a way, the translators did get it right when they translated the passage to say "male and female created He them", because the one man that God created was male and female in one body.
Some would say that verse (Gen 1:27) was speaking about Adam and Eve being the male and female being spoken of and not Adam, the man that was created, being both male and female in one body, because of what verse 28 says.
Gen 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, ..............
I can somewhat agree with that assumption, but I can also see that verse being applied to two different situations, which will become clear as we proceed.
Now as we continue with Genesis 2:7 and go onward, we again see the one man that God created and placed him in the garden to take care of it.
Gen 2:7-8 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
At this time only the man existed, not man and woman, just the man who was both male and female as God had created him, which I will soon explain.
Genesis 2:15 goes on to explain that God put the man (Adam) into the garden to take care of it, but a problem soon developed.
God realized that Adam was lonely and needed another living being to keep him company and stated that He would make him a helper. Let’s examine the verse that says this:
Gen 2:18 And the LORD God said: It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
The two Hebrew words that were translated "help meet" require quite a stretch of the understanding to comprehend. Everyone that I have heard teaching on this passage has accepted this as being a "help mate" for that is what Eve was considered to be. How in the world they ever translated the Hebrew word "neged" into the English word "meet" I cannot comprehend, because it doesn’t even come close to meaning "meet" or "mate".
Eve, the woman, was not God's first choice for the help or company for Adam. For God began to create and form out of the ground all manner of animals and birds to fill the need that Adam had.
I can't help but using this to make a point in deference to what many people have been taught and believe, that God knows everything. If it is true then shouldn’t the all knowing God have known that what He provided for Adam would not have provided the need that Adam had?
Gen 2:20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
Another point to be made here is that the Hebrew word in this verse "ezer" was translated into the English word "meet", just as the Hebrew word "neged" was in the 18th verse and neither one of them come close to meaning "meet or mate". God did not have in mind at this time to provide Adam with a "meet" or a "mate", just a helper of some kind to keep him from being alone.
Since the animals that God created, His first choice, did not meet Adam's needs, He proceeded to provide Adam with a helper in another way.
The scripture states that God removed one of Adam's ribs and with it made a woman. Now one would wonder why God would make the woman in this manner, instead of making her the same way He made the man, by forming her from the dust of the ground. Could it be that if God formed another person from the dust of the ground, as He did Adam, this other person would have been another man instead of a woman? Or was there a significant reason for the way in which God made the woman?
Since according to the Bible, this first man and woman, Adam and Eve, were the only human persons that God ever created, one would wonder if there was a reason for God to do it in this manner. Why would it be necessary for God to remove one of Adam's ribs in order to make the woman? Would any part of Adam's body have served as well as one of his ribs? What is there about Adam's rib that had such significance and quality about it for God to choose that part to make a woman?
The Hebrew word that was translated into the English word "rib" actually meant "curve'. So when the translators encountered this word, not able to think of anything else and knowing that a persons rib is curved, translated it as a rib.
Modern day geneticists, with the discovery and understanding of DNA, have found that the DNA in a man is different than that in a woman. The DNA chromosomes in a man was found to consist of what they call "X" and "Y" chromosomes and those in a woman consist of only "Y" chromosomes. Women do not have "X" chromosomes in their DNA makeup.
Since the "X" chromosomes contain the characteristics that makeup the male and the "Y" chromosomes have the characteristics that makeup the female, then a man's DNA has the DNA makeup of both a male and a female, but the woman's DNA with only "Y" chromosomes and no "X' chromosomes are what makes the woman pure female.
Now with this understanding available in modern times, which the Bible translators knew nothing about, the importance of God using Adam's rib, if it was a rib, could explain why God had to remove something from the man to make a woman, instead of just creating her from the dust as HE did man.
It turns out that the Hebrew word "tsela" that was translated into the word "rib", does not mean "rib" at all. The true meaning of the word "tsela" means "curve". So God did not remove a rib from Adam to make the woman, He removed some of Adam's DNA, which is called today the "helix curve" which contained only the "Y" chromosomes that had those characteristics needed to make a pure female body.
I heard the question being asked at one time: "Why do men have nipples since they don’t have babies?" The answer to this must be, because the male body has both types of chromosomes in its DNA makeup, the nipples are a result of the "Y" chromosomes present which cause that female attribute to show up in a man.
If we again look at the scripture of Genesis 1:27, we see that God created man in His own image, "male and female created HE him". Yes, I know it was translated to say: "male and female created He them", but the translators realizing nothing about DNA characteristics, added the only word that made sense to them at the time and used the word "them" instead of "him". God created the first man Adam, both male and female, having the DNA attributes of both male and female, then after creating Adam, He made the woman Eve, using the DNA helix curve from Adam. Adam was created, and then Eve was made from that first creation.
The Bible makes it very clear that the man "Adam" was the end of God's creation and rested on the seventh day.
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