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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Send Me Your Money

How many times have you heard Radio and TV Evangelists say that God will prosper you if you send your donations to them to help them do God’s work? How often have you heard to “give and you shall receive” or “sow seed to my ministry and you will receive a hundredfold” or they will guarantee you that God will prosper you if you just send them a donation?

There are hundreds of Radio and Television Evangelists out there who are taking in multi millions of dollars every year for their ministries and living lavish lifestyles on these gullible givers who think they are helping to do God’s work.

Just to name a few of the largest and most known are”

  • Trinity Broadcasting Network which takes in about 170 million dollars a year.

  • And to a lesser degree the following:

  • Kenneth Copeland Ministries

  • John Hagee Ministries

  • Benny Hinn Ministries

  • Joyce Meyer Ministries

  • Joel Osteen Ministries

  • These all claim to be doing God’s work, but in reality are performing for your entertainment and getting paid very well.

    Most of these are false teachers and deceivers, hungry for money, wealth, power and influence. Although not all TV evangelists are charlatans and frauds, most of them are. The gimmicks these hucksters use to separate the greedy, the hurting, the innocent and the gullible from their money are many. But with "ears to hear" and the use of a little common sense, those who wish not to fall prey can easily recognize the "wolves in sheep's clothing."

    The tools or tricks of their trade include buzz words, psychology, products and potions. They become wealthy; their prey become disillusioned, discouraged, confused and lighter in the wallet. Tune in to any Christian station or network, and you'll hear the charlatans' common theme: God wants you to be happy, healthy, and rich - and He wants it for you NOW! You'll see men and women preachers who appear to be happy and healthy and who are most definitely rich - some very, very rich.

    These modern-day wolves in sheep's clothing generally show up as Pentecostal or charismatic preachers, where it's easiest to pass their wares and dupe the needy, greedy, and gullible. Their gospel is often called the Health and Wealth Gospel or the Gospel of Health and Prosperity.

    Their common buzz words, used in combination with a request at some point for money, are: prosperity, abundance, finances, partnership, donation, gift, seed sowing, tithes and offerings, blessings, and healing. They often speak of being anointed or having the anointing, and they always have something to sell. Some even offer to send you a "gift," when you first give them a "gift" or make a donation (of money, of course).

    They prey on the guilt and fear of those who are already feeling guilty and afraid. They encourage the greed of those who are already greedy and looking for more. They give false hope to the physically and emotionally sick who want nothing more than to be healthy and whole in this life. It’s a fact that it's the poor and needy who give most often to these gospel frauds. Why? Because they often feel that only a financial "miracle" will save them or improve their lot in life.

     Sometimes they're simply desperate to avoid the consequences of their poor spending habits or lack of money mangement skills. The elderly, sick, and lonely often fall victim and give sacrificially in hopes of finding some kind of improvement in their circumstances.

    Fleecing a flock requires an understanding of psychology and how to appeal to people's pride, greed, and desire for self-esteem, as well as to their desperation and hopelessness.

    Using a little bit of Scripture, the prosperity gospel preacher teaches that it's God's will that every Christian - every person who believes in Him - be financially prosperous, go first class, have the biggest and the best this world has to offer. And to the already greedy at heart or the person in poor financial straits, this has appeal. The charlatans repeatedly talk about prosperity and abundance being the mark of God's blessings. Legitimate preachers use these terms on occasion too, but they do not build their empires around them and promise riches to their listeners "just for the asking" or just because they are Christians.

    These men and women also effectively use Scripture to lure the sick and lonely to sometimes overlook a lifetime of bad habits and unhealthy practices in their search for health and a pain-free life. All that's needed, they'll preach, is a prayer cloth or special oil or any number of other healing paraphernalia - for a price, of course.

    All people have legitimate wants and needs they seek to fulfill. Many find healthy and legitimate ways to meet those needs, both in and outside of churches and religious systems. Others - too many - fall prey to the hucksters.

    Christianity teaches that God does answer prayer; God does on occasion heal; God does provide for man's needs; God does have mercy. Christianity also teaches that healing and meeting needs are free for the asking, as God wills, and not dependent upon an intermediary or any amount of money. When these free gifts become dependent upon a donation, gift, partnership with a ministry, or sown seeds, someone is about to be fleeced.

    Taking in money donations should not be foremost on the minds or in the sermons of any preacher of the Gospel of Christian Salvation. If these preachers are genuinely God sent Ministers, God will provide for their needs as His will dictates, but God does not need your money. Jesus preached that you should sell what you have and give to the poor, not send it to Him or those who claim to be doing His work.

    But if you are not convinced by what you have read and you still want to donate hoping for a prosperous return for your gifts,

    Then Send Your Money To Me.

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    1 comment:

    Bible Man said...

    The following comment is being reposted and is from another Internet Blogger named Glenn Regular.

    Deception of the so called "Men of God".

    This post is not so much to expose so called "men of God" but to inform believers of the deception of the deceptive charlatans who claim to be the spiritual pipeline from God to the "laity"

    Some of the things that happen in some of the Charismatic, Apostolic, Pentecostal as well as other denominational arenas that are attributed to the anointing of God on the “man of God” utilizing the gifts of God is nothing more than the manipulation of psychology on uninformed, spiritually hungry, searching for God reality people caught in the deception of the “man of God” syndrome where what the “man of God “ speaks and does is purported as being from God, ordained by God and to be obeyed as if God spoke the words Himself.

    This manipulative control of people that is attributed to being Godly is nothing short of spiritual deception and millions of unwary believers seeking genuine spiritual encounters with the reality of God are caught in its deceptive trap.

    If we were to go behind the scenes (which people have done) of these manipulating so called “men of God” we find that the most important thing to them is to delude the people into believing they are super-spiritual and to successfully fleece the people of tithes and offerings by convincing them they are giving to God’s work in order to feed their insecurities and expand their ministry to bring the gospel to the world, when the reality is that the bulk of the money goes to support their extravagant ungodly lifestyle.

    By obeying the people are promised God's blessing, if disobeyed the "man of God" uses fear mongering by instilling the fear of curses upon the disobedient people.

    The religious experiences that people purport to have are mostly just that...religious experiences that inoculates them to true genuine spiritual experiences with God.

    Does God ever meet with people in such settings? Yes. He will meet with sincere searching hearts in the most unlikely places, but that has very little, if anything, to do with the charlatan masquerading as the “man of God” and supported in the deception by his deceived supporters who run to and fro to hear the “man of God” and keep feeding Him money to feed his insatiable hunger that could be used to share the kingdom of God with the world.

    I know that many will take offense to this post, those who genuinely don’t are probably among the true men of God!