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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Origin of the Moon

There have been two outstanding events recorded in history that were associated with great movements of the waters on the Earth. One of these events, as recorded in the Bible, was the flood during the time of Noah, and the other event was the sinking of the legendary City of Atlantis, which is recorded in secular writings. But I believe that both of these events could have happened at the same time, and can be explained by the Bible. The flood of water, which covered the Earth during Noah's time, could have been the same flood that caused the City of Atlantis to sink under the Sea.

In the Bible, in verse sixteen of the first chapter of the book of Genesis, it speaks of God creating two great lights in the Heavens, one to rule the Day, and the other to rule the Night. It also says that He created the Stars.

Gen 1:16 “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.”

Some have always interpreted this to mean that God created the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars, all during the fourth day of creation. But, the Bible says that two great lights were created at this time and not three great lights. The Hebrew word, “maowr”, which was translated to the word lights in English, also means a luminous body, which is one that emits light. The Moon does not emit light; it only reflects the light that is emitted by the Sun. So the two great lights that the Bible says God created during the fourth day of creation, had to be the Sun and the Stars, the Sun to rule the day, and the Stars to rule the night.

It is my belief, that the Moon was not created as a body revolving around the Earth, during this fourth day of creation. And in fact, these scriptures do not even mention the Moon. But I do believe that God could have set our Moon in orbit around the Earth during the time of Noah, and this could have been how God caused the floods to cover the Earth and destroy every living creature.

If the former interpretation was correct, that the Moon was created on the fourth day of creation, then it is not feasible to assume that the Moon had anything to do with Noah's flood. But if the Moon did not come into existence until Noah's time, then it is possible that a connection can be made between the appearance of the Moon and the floods on the Earth.

Now let's look at the sixteenth verse of the first chapter of the book of Genesis in detail, and try to understand exactly what it says.

Gen 1:16 “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.”

On the surface, it appears that three things were created here. They were, the "greater light" which was the Sun, the "lesser light", which was the Moon, and "the Stars". Even though it appears that is what this verse is saying, I was always bothered by one thing. The Moon is not a light, but is only an object that reflects the light being emitted from the Sun.

The translators of the King James Version of the Bible produced an excellent work, when they translated the original scriptures into English, and in no way would I recommend any other translation for the study and understanding of God's Word. But these men were just like anyone else that tries to do God a service without having divine inspiration, they were subject to making mistakes, and they did. They added a few words to improve the readability of the passage, and in doing so, they changed the meaning of it.

Because the English language is so much different from the Greek or Hebrew, if the translation had been made as a word for word translation only, it would have been very difficult to read. So the translators added some words of their own, in order to make the reading a smooth experience and aid the understanding of the passages. Where the problem existed was that enough care was not taken to insure that the added words did not change the meaning of the passage.

In the sixteenth verse of the first chapter of the book of Genesis, three words were added that gave the verse a meaning which the original scriptures did not intend to say. Those three words were, "he", "made", & "also", which appear in the last part of the verse. See the underlined words in the verse below.

Gen 1:16 “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.”

If you read this verse without those three added words being present, there should be no doubt that only the Sun and the Stars were created at this time, and not the Moon. It would read as follows.

Gen 1:16 “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, the stars.”

So the original scriptures said that God made two great lights on this day of creation. The greater light to rule the day, which was the Sun; and a lesser light to rule the night, which as it says, was the Stars. The Bible says absolutely nothing about the Moon being created at this time.

The Bible goes on to say, in the fifth and sixth verses of chapter two, that it had not rained upon the Earth until this time, but that a mist went up from the Earth to water the ground.

Gen 2:5-6 “And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.”

Now you should be able to see why it had never rained before. The gravitational pull of the Moon causes the water from the Oceans and Seas to rise up into the air and later falls as rain on the Earth. And if there was no Moon, there would be no rain. The pull of the gravity of the Moon is very influential on the Oceans and Seas. It causes the tides to flow in and out, and at the same time, draws the rain water up into the Sky.

It appears very obvious to me that God caused the Moon to come into the gravitational pull of the Earth during the time of Noah, and start orbiting our Planet. This event had a catastrophic effect on the waters of the Oceans and the Seas, and without a doubt, caused the great bodies of water to be displaced, which could account for the sinking of the City of Atlantis. At the same time, a great amount of water was drawn up into the sky, causing it to rain for forty days and nights.

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