The only way that mankind has to know God and what His will is for us is by reading and studying the Bible scriptures which were written by men who God has inspired to write according to the history of God’s interaction with mankind in the past.
The very first words that were written in the Bible were that God created the Heavens and the Earth. In actuality, the correct translation from the Hebrew language into English of those words say the “the Gods created the Heavens and the Earth”. A careful reading of the first chapter of the Book of Genesis makes it clear that at that time God did not exist by Himself, but had already created a heavenly host of beings who the Bible describes as the “Elohiym” ( a Hebrew word) which were present at the time of the creation of the Earth, Although they were not Gods as the ancient people believed and in some cases were referred to as the sons of God who were in Heaven with Him.
There are some Bible teachers that explain away the translation error of “Elohiym” to God instead of “gods” by teaching that God is singular and plural at the same time, that the Hebrew word of Elohiym means God and gods. This is absolutely untrue. According to the Hebrew language “God” is translated from the Hebrew word “elowahh” which means one God and “Elohiym” should have been translated to the English word “gods”.
Now in saying this, I want to make it clear that our one God Jehovah was the one who created the Heavens and the Earth as it is stated in Genesis 2:4. Although to make it just a little more confusing, the translators of the Bible, starting in Genesis 2:4 and in all but four scriptures throughout the other scriptures changed God’s name of Jehovah to the word LORD.
Now why does this matter? Looking at the scope of salvation in the totality of the Bible scriptures, why should we consider this at all important to make an issue out of it? I’ll tell you exactly why. This is just one perfect example like many more where man has changed the meaning of the words that God inspired in the original writing of the scriptures as the translation into English took place.
Now to get back to the question of “what does God expect of us”? God expects all of us to believe the truth of what He inspired holy men to write as He revealed it to them and not what man has mistakenly written and taught because of their misunderstanding of written scripture.
Jehovah God wants us to have faith in Him and His Son Jesus Christ and in the truth of what the original scriptures said, but we are hindered from receiving the complete truth because of the poor interpretation of Bible scripture by man who have not been sent by God to teach us truth.
Now can you see what I am pointing out to you? I’m sure that you can see it, but many of you just can’t believe it can you? Many of you are clinging to what you have been taught, that God would never have allowed mistranslations, or misinterpretations to be allowed in His Bible. You all have been dependent upon those men who have translated the Bible into English, upon those men behind the pulpits in your churches to teach you, those teachers who God has not sent to do these things.
Man couldn’t even get past the first verse in Genesis without making misleading changes in the Holy scriptures, so this was just reflective of what they have done throughout the Bible. You don’t think so? Just read the articles that I have written where I have pointed out many more of these errors that man has been responsible for. But you won’t will you? Why? Because you are comfortable sitting in your church pews just soaking in the things your preacher has been feeding you and making you feel good.
It is written in the scriptures that God has placed in the church some Pastors and Teachers for the purpose of bringing all into the unity of the faith, but have these Pastors and Teachers done so? If you can’t look around at what other churches are teaching then you are blind or just don’t want to see the truth. All of these Preachers and Teachers do nothing more than to teach what their Bible schools and theological seminaries have taught them to believe, but because they haven’t been sent by God, they don’t seek out the truth of the scriptures in order to speak God’s Word as He wants it taught.
What does God expect of us? He expects us to seek out the truth of His Word, believe it and hold on to it.
I’ll end this with a quote from the Apostle Paul who said: “Prove all things, hold fast that which is good” (or honest or true). The written word that is in the Bible is our link, our connection, to know of God and the truth of His Word.
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