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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Foundation of our Faith

The Foundation of our Faith

This is a very important issue that should be approached with an open mind and an open heart. What I am about to relate to you are facts that are contained in the Bible and I implore you to follow along with me by verifying in your Bible that what I am about to say is according to Bible scripture and not any man’s interpretation.

We start off by looking at a saying that Jesus related to us that is contained in Matthew Chapter Seven and Luke Chapter Six. Jesus said that when a person builds his house, it must be built upon a solid foundation so that it will continue to stand when adversity comes. He tells of a man that built his house upon the sand for his foundation and when trouble came the house fell. Then He told of a man who built his house upon a rock for the foundation and when adversity came the house stood solid because of the strength of the foundation.

There was another foundation for a house that Jesus spoke about. In Mathew Chapter Sixteen Jesus asked Peter who he thought Jesus was. Peter said that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus then admitted to Peter that he had said the truth and that He (Jesus) was the Christ and the Son of God. Jesus went on to say that His Church would be built upon the rock or the foundation that He was the Son of God. So even though Peter received this revelation of who Jesus was from God the Father, the Church was to be built upon the foundation of the knowledge about who Jesus was.

Because of having the Church built upon the correct foundation, it would stand and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. Paul the Apostle said that no other foundation can the Church be built on except Jesus Christ and the knowledge that He was the Son of God. The Prophet Isaiah spoke of this foundation and spoke of God laying a corner stone in Zion which Peter spoke of Jesus being the corner stone of that foundation.

There was someone else that said he might be laying the foundation for the Church and the faith to be built upon as follows:

William Branham made a statement about the coming of a person that was to take the people back to the truths of the Bible and straighten out all of the errors that had been taught and that he thought that he might be laying a foundation for that ministry to build upon.

The only problem was is that he did not lay the same foundation that Jesus said should be laid. Jesus said that the knowledge of Him being the Son of God as was revealed to Peter wound be the foundation His Church would be built on. The foundation that William Branham laid was not that Jesus was the Son of God, but that He was God Himself. The foundation was wrong and the person who was to build upon that foundation knew it was wrong and couldn’t build upon it.

William Branham said that he received a revelation that Jehovah of the Old Testament was Jesus of the New Testament, but that wasn’t the revelation that the Apostle Peter received. William Branham said that Jesus was God, but Peter said that Jesus was the Son of God and Jesus agreed with Peter. Now one of them was wrong. Who do you think we should believe?

Most of the mainstream churches also believe that Jesus is God. Why is that? They believe that because the original Catholic Church decided that long ago. Back in 325AD out of necessity when Emperor Constantine insisted that the Bishops of all the churches had to come to an agreement or they couldn’t return home to their churches. So when they all agreed that Jesus was God, they made Mary the Mother of God. What nonsense that was, that God had a Mother. So down through the years as the Catholic churches split off into these other denominations that belief continued to exist. Could this be where William Branham and many other preachers received their revelation from?

If the Church of God is not built upon the right foundation it will fall. The foundation of the Church must be built upon the same revelation that Peter received, that Jesus was the Son of the Living God and not God Himself. If the Church doesn’t believe that, then they don’t believe the Gospel which said that God sent His Son and not that God came Himself in a flesh body.

What now is the foundation of your faith? Have all the believers in all the churches wasted years of their lives believing the false doctrine that the devil has deceived everyone to believe? The Church of God cannot and will not fall because there will be some who will hold to the truth of the scriptures.

Will you be one of the faithful?
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