The Bible

Do you really know what the Bible says, or have you put your fate in the hands of a preacher that teaches in error?

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What do you choose to believe?

1.Why is the Truth of the Bible rejected and the false interpretations of scripture accepted by so many people?

2.Why is the Truth of the scriptures not taught in all of the churches instead of the false interpretations of scripture that men who have not been sent by God to preach?

3.Why are all of the churches not in the unity of the faith?

4.Why are the people like children who are tossed about by every type of doctrine and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth?

Your preachers say that you must believe the Gospel of Christ in order to be saved, but do you really believe the gospel? Doesn’t the gospel say that God sent His only begotten Son? If it says that, why do you not believe what it says? Why instead are you taught and believe that God made Himself a body and came down in the person of Jesus. Jesus was a man born of a woman who received the Holy Spirit of God at His baptism just like we all do, so are we also God and not just men and women? Why do you want to believe these fables of man instead of the word of God?

God sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins and Jesus did die and was buried. It was not God who died on the cross, it was His Son, so why do you worship Jesus instead of Jehovah God? Jesus said that His Father was greater than He was and it was His Father that performed the miracles during His ministry. Jesus wasn’t talking about Himself, He was talking about His Father Jehovah God that sent Him.

After Jesus died on the cross and was buried, it was the Spirit of God that raised Him from the dead. Jesus didn’t raise Himself. Search the scriptures and see for yourself that this is true.

It doesn’t seem to be enough for the people to believe in the invisible God, they need to see who they worship just like the Gentile nations made their idols to see and worship, some of us have made Jesus a God so we can have someone to worship that we can see.

In Acts the second chapter it says that God raised Jesus after He died and sat Him down on His throne on His right hand. So is there just one person sitting on God’s throne? Can’t you believe what the scripture says?

How many other things that the scriptures tell us that you won’t believe because some Brother (whatever his name is) says that Jesus is God? There are only a couple of scriptures that man can interpret to make Jesus to be God, but there are many scriptures that say the Father and the Son are two different persons.

When someone tells you a truth and proves it with the scriptures, why won’t you believe?

Now ask yourself if you really believe the Gospel as it is written, that God the Father sent His Son and not something else. Think about this and decide whether or not you are a believer in the Gospel of Christ. As you think about this then remember that you must believe the Gospel to be saved. It was the words of Jesus who brought us the Gospel, so are you going to believe what Jesus said or are you going to believe what some Brother preacher (whatever his name is)?

This is serious my friends and your life depends on what you are going to believe. Jesus said that whoever believes the Gospel will be saved and those who do not believe will be damned. So is the true Gospel the one that you chose to believe?

Then think about some of the other things that you have been taught that might not be true according to other scriptures in the Bible.

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