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Sunday, December 25, 2011

William Branham's Visions

The following is a photocopy of the article that was printed in the Herald of Faith Magazine in February of 1956.

This was written by Brother William Branham just after he decided to leave the field of evangelism because the offerings that were taken up did not cover the expenses of the meetings.

It's obvious that God was not pleased with Brother Branham's decision to stop his evangelistic crusades for the reason that he gave according to the recounting of the visions he received.

A second vision he had was to do with the two signs that he used to aid in his healing ministry and the vision indicated that Brother Branham should not have made a public show of explaining to everyone how the two gifts were done.

The next vision was called the Tent Vision where Brother Branham was shown what the future would hold, but Brother Branham was never given the interpretation of it.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Believe the Sign

Throughout the ministry of Brother William Branham supernatural signs were obviously evident as God used Brother Branham in a mighty and profound way. These signs were made manifest to prove that Brother Branham was without question sent by God to minister to the people around the World. Many people saw these great sign gifts in operation and were instrumental in leading millions of people to the saving grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. All who saw these signs and gifts in operation, without question believed that they were from God and proved to everyone that God was still active in the lives of mankind. Even though Brother William Branham has many years ago left the scene, God is still active in using other people in many types of ministry in His Kingdom and will continue to use supernatural signs and wonders to secure the attention of people to believe His Word.
This is being written for the benefit of all of God’s people no matter what kind of Church you attend and to those who have not believed the Gospel of Christ as yet, as well and if not foremost for those who have followed Brother William Branham’s ministry and continue to do so.
You are going to be asked to consider another sign from God and to Believe the Sign as being from God just as those you have formally seen and believed. A little history will be presented consisting of facts which can be substantiated from Brother Branham’s own words concerning some visions he experienced that were given to him by God.
Brother William Branham said: “God's trying to attract the attention of the people by a sign, and then give them the voice, what's behind the sign. It must be a Scriptural voice. Now, the sign has a voice. And now, every true God-sent sign has a voice, and that voice must speak according to the Word that's given for that day. If you can believe the sign, then believe the voice that follows the sign. Even the Old Testament promised it in Malachi 4, that how it would be in the last days, would turn the hearts of the children back to the faith of the fathers: the--the Pentecostal fathers, the original doctrine of the Bible, the original Word that what it would do. And there'd be a sign, and this sign would confirm--be confirmed by the voice that would follow it.”
Brother Branham had a disappointment near the end of the year of 1955 when the offerings from his evangelistic meetings failed to cover the expenses associated with those meetings. Because of this, he announced that he was leaving the missionary field. Because of this decision he made God gave him a series of visions, what he called “the most powerful visions I have ever seen” which in effect were a chastisement from God because of some errors he had made during his ministry.
Brother Branham received these visions in December of 1955 and told what was in these visions during a meeting on January 1, 1956. The details of these visions were published in The Herald of Faith magazine, the February 1956 issue by Joseph Mattson Boze. There were four parts to this series of visions reported in the Herald of Faith magazine, but only the last part of the vision, what is known as “The Tent Vision” is being addressed here. If time permits and it is God’s will, I will publish the complete details of these visions at a later date on this website. But for now, the Tent Vision is given.
Following is what Brother Branham reported as the Tent Vision: “Then He taken me from there, and I seen a great huge tent. I never seen such a--a tent. And it was packed and lined everywhere with people. And I walked out to the... Looked like I was standing above the people, looking down, where I'd just made an altar call; and hundreds and hundreds of people were weeping and rejoicing after they had accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour.
And I looked, and then heard a man get up and say, "Call the prayer line." And people begin to line up over on this side, the left from where I was looking down towards the platform, and they lined all the way up and down the street for a prayer line. I noticed to my left, which would've been to my right if I was on the platform, a little wooden building. And I seen that Light, that all--they have the picture of, you know, that's always in the meetings; I seen that Light leave me, and go to that building, and go in that building; and a Voice said to me, "I'll meet you in there; that'll be the third pull." I said, "Why?" He said, "Well, it won't be a public show like they had it." And I came to:”
After receiving the "Tent Vision". Brother Branham thought that God was showing him a new ministry that he was to embark on. He took the vision literally that he was to hold his meetings in a tent, which he made plans to acquire, and that he was to start praying for the sick in a room away from the congregation, which he proceeded to do. But over the years following this vision, it didn't materialize the way he thought it should. Brother Branham spoke of this new ministry for the rest of his life, but it never came to pass.
But you see, God never intended for it to come to pass in Brother Branham's life. The reason that God gave him this vision was to show him that He was not pleased with some events that had transpired and to show Brother Branham some of what the future would hold as a result of what had happened.
If you look at the whole vision, the part before the “Tent Vision” part of, it starts out with a scene about a meeting being held and before the altar call was made, the congregation was dismissed. When questioned about why the people had been dismissed, they told him that the offering had already been taken. Brother Branham said to those in charge of the meeting, "since when has it been more important to take offerings than to make Altar calls?" With his own words, he convicted himself of doing the same thing by putting the failure to meet the expenses of a meeting above the needs of the people and continuing God's work in evangelism.
It so happened that during the California meetings in November of 1955, the expenses for the meetings had not been met by the offerings and after they were over, Brother Branham announced that because of not being able to meet these expenses, he was leaving the evangelistic field. As part of the vision indicates, this was not the will of God for him to end his evangelistic meetings.
Then God made it known to him by using two examples of how he attempted to explain the use of the supernatural gifts to others, that what he did caused carnal impersonations to arise among others attempting to copy the use of these gifts. Brother Branham openly stated that "what he had done was contrary to what the Angel had told him to do". For the Angel had said: "You've done just what I told you not to do, standing on the platform, and trying to explain it, and telling the people, and I told you to keep it to yourself." And said, "Look what you've done. Look at the carnal impersonations you got rose."
As the part of the vision involving the tent scene progressed, Brother Branham said that he was taken up high above where a meeting was taking place. The interpretation of this is that after he had died the Angels carried him up into Heaven. That happened just 46 years ago today, and he was looking down and watching a meeting in progress. Then Brother Branham said, as the prayer line was forming, that light left me and went down over the people and settled on top of a little building where the prayer line was forming.
Brother Branham was speaking of the light that always was near him, the one that you see in the picture that was taken in Houston. The interpretation of this is that, at some period of time after Brother Branham's death, the light that you see above him is to leave him. You might ask: What is the significance of the light leaving him after his death? This is to be a sign to the Body of Christ that the end time Elijah ministry of Malachi 4:6 and Matthew 17:11 was taking place and the "third pull" ministry is about to begin, preparing the Bride of Christ for His soon return.
That part of the vision about the tent scene, never materialized during Brother Branham's life, nor was he ever given the interpretation of it. He said on January 20, 1964: "I have never had but one thing that He ever told me in my life that I know that hasn't happened yet, that some sort of a building or a tent where there'd be a little building setting, and I'd have to go into that and pray for the sick. That hasn't happened yet as far as I know. That's the only thing that I know".
Once again, history has repeated itself. Just like another great Prophet of God, Moses, even when he failed to follow God's instructions, God continued to honor his word among the people, but took him off the scene before the journey was over. And God did the same with His Prophet of our day (Brother Branham), honoring his word among the people, but taking him also off the scene before the journey was over.
Now the people of God will be presented with another sign. The sign will be that the light will leave him. Then the words that accompany the sign will be presented to God’s people. The words are the Truth of God’s Word which is published on this website. You are presented with the truth of the Bible that has been misrepresented over the years by those Bible teachers who have not been ordained of God to teach His people.
Then comes the sign, a supernatural sign from God to prove that the words are true. Will you believe that the sign is from God? Will you believe that the words were given by God?
Just as Brother Branham reported about the Tent Vision, the light left him after he was taken up high and so the light above his head in the picture will leave him in all of the pictures in the World as a sign from God confirming the end time Elijah ministry written about in Malachi 4:6 and Matthew 17:11. Why do you think that God would do this as a sign to the people? For one reason it would have to be a supernatural event that could only be performed by God Himself. Secondly, it would take such a tremendous thing to wake the “Message of the Hour” believers up to see the truth. God has a right for all who believe in Him to accept the truth of His Word, even those who have been assured of their salvation through the shed blood of Christ and their belief in the Gospel.
When will these things happen? The times are right according to Matthew chapter 24. Everything is in place and it could be anytime. It could be in ten years or one year or one hundred years, or it could be tomorrow, only God knows because this is one of the things that God has kept to Himself according to His own timetable. Like Matthew 24:36 says: “But of that day and hour no man knows, not the angels of Heaven, only the Father knows.” I personally believed that the end of the Gentile dispensation would have been in the year of 2012, that was just my guess, because of the prophesies that have been fulfilled, but myself nor any other man cannot be certain.
God will make it known to everyone if you just:

Believe the Sign

Click Here for the Sign

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Friday, December 23, 2011

History Repeats Itself!

The history of the Bible describes a King of Israel who turned out to be more evil than any of the Kings before him, who made matters worse by marrying an idolater by the name of Jezebel who caused Ahab to begin worshipping idols himself. Because of the sins that Ahab had done in opposition to God’s commandments, God sent Elijah the Tishbite to him and spoke a curse upon the land. After Elijah had proven the Lord and slew the false prophets of Ahab and Jezebel, Jezebel threatened Elijah that she would destroy him, but Elijah turned the tables on Jezebel and prophesied of her death which did come to pass.
That was the beginning of Elijah and Jezebel and the spirits which were upon them that was to be repeated in the future.
Then came John the Baptist, whose ministry began before the appearance of Jesus and was noted in scripture by Jesus that John had the spirit of Elijah upon him. This John the Baptist also was targeted by a woman who had the spirit of Jezebel upon her in the same manner as the original Elijah and Jezebel during the reign of Ahab the King of Israel.
Then one Herodias, a Jewish Princess and the wife of Herod Antipas, is portrayed as a latter-day Jezebel using her influence in a bloodthirsty quest for revenge against John the Baptist for daring to criticize her marriage in moral and religious terms. Because John the Baptist opposed the marriage of Herodias and Herod in violation of Jewish Law, she used her daughter to persuade Herod to have John killed. She, with her husband Herod died in exile being separated from her homeland.
So it came to pass that history did repeat itself for the first time with these two spirits traveling down through time, the spirit of Elijah on John the Baptist and the spirit of Jezebel on Herodias.
During His ministry and after John the Baptist was put in prison by Herod, Jesus prophesied that the spirit of Elijah would appear once again in the last days in order to restore the faith of the children back to the faith of the apostolic fathers as was spoken of by the prophet Malachi.
The scriptures in Amos say: “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, until he reveals his secret unto his servants the prophets first. If the lion has roared, who will not fear? The Lord GOD has spoken, who can but prophesy?”

Once again history is repeating itself in these last days. And because it is the last days the devil is pulling out all the stops because he knows that his time is about to end. Once again the people of God have turned to idolatry and worship what they see and not the invisible God who respects faith in those who worship and believe His Word instead of the false interpretations of man.
And once again the spirit of Elijah has come upon a man, one who is not worthy to be called a prophet, but as God speaks to him, what can he do but speak that which God has shown him. Then again, here comes that same spirit of Jezebel, but in a double portion resting upon more than one person who are determined to prevent the modern day Elijah from doing God’s will by attempting to destroy his credibility and his character.
There are some who believe that William Branham was the end of time Elijah, but nothing that William Branham was, had any resemblance to the type of person either Elijah or John the Baptist was. Elijah and John both were persecuted by a woman who had the spirit of Jezebel on them, but that same spirit didn’t appear as an adversary during Branham’s ministry, so he was not the Elijah that Jesus prophesied would come to be the restorer.
Yes history does repeat itself and in every case the vindication of God did and will prove that the ministry of the spirit of Elijah was ordained by Him. The original Elijah and the prophecies that he made were proven by God. In the case of John the Baptist who prophesied of the coming of the Messiah, it came true also. In like manner will the prophecy of the third spiritual ministry of Elijah in the end time come true and God will expect His people to believe the sign and the voice that accompanies the sign.
God spoke of Jezebel in the scriptures in the book of Revelations and said: I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And all the churches shall know that I am he who searches the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.”

In all the cases where Jezebel fought against the spirit of Elijah, she thought she was going against the man, but in fact was going against the God who was working in the man. The spirit of Jezebel lost during the time of Elijah and lost during the time of John the Baptist and will lose again in these last days because you can’t prevail against the will of God.

Thus Saith the Lord God Jehovah

Repent and believe the true Word of God!

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

God's Next Move Coming Soon

What is soon to come for mankind?
Are you ready for what is coming next?
What can we expect as the end nears? No not the end of the World, but the end of the Gentile dispensation before God turns back to the Jews. What has God got in store for us in these last days?
Paul the Apostle gives us a good picture of the things that are to take place as follows:
Romans 11:25-26: “Blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in, and so all Israel shall be saved.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12  Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That you be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Remember you not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now you know what withholds that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only he who now permits will do so, until he is taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked one will be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Following are important concepts that Paul stated and are needful to be given your earnest attention as follows in order to understand coming events.

  1. The day of Christ is at hand.
  2. There shall come a falling away.
  3. The mystery of iniquity.
  4. The wicked one being revealed
  5. The Spirit of His mouth.
  6. The brightness of His Coming
  7. Failing to receive the love of the truth
  8. Strong delusion causing the belief of false doctrines.

Yes, the day of Christ is at hand, that day when He returns to catch away those who have been faithful to His Word, but before that even takes place there will be a falling away first. Some believe that this indicates a falling away from Christ and the Gospel of salvation in Jesus’ name, but this is not the falling away that will occur. This falling away will be from the Churches that have not told the people the truth of God’s Word and when the people realize the error of those Bible Teachers, they will turn away from the false teachers which they have been following.

God’s people have received and accepted false doctrines because they have received a strong delusion about those lies they have been taught were the truth when they were not. This is the mystery of iniquity that the devil has imposed upon the Church of God and will continue until the truth of God’s Word reveals this to His people. Even before His return for true believers it will be the Spirit of His mouth, which is confirmation of the truth of the Word bringing forth the restoration of the truth to the end time church.

Those who continue to refuse the truth of God’s Word even after the attempted restoration by God’s end time Messenger and fail to receive the love of the truth could be damned because of their stiffed necks rather than to repent and believe the truth.

The following is the sequence of events that will take place.

  1. God’s end time Messenger operating in the spirit of Elijah the Prophet will preach the truth as God has revealed to him.
  2. God will vindicate this Messenger’s ministry by a supernatural sign which the people have not believed could happen. Some will even attribute this sign to the devil’s doing and damn themselves by their blasphemies.
  3. A supernatural ministry like none before will breakout for a short time to prepare the people for the return of Christ. During this ministry the traditional churches will close down for a lack of attendance and their organizations will crumble and fall.
  4. At God’s given time, Christ will return and carry away those who have made themselves ready to be received.
  5. Those people who are left behind, both believers and unbelievers will seek God sent teachers and preachers who have accepted the messages published by God’s Messenger.
  6. During the next one thousand years those who will be taken by Christ will spend a millennium in Heaven with Christ and those left behind on Earth will seeks God’s mercy and grace under a ministry not controlled by satan, for he will be restrained for the thousand year period unable to deceive the people any more.
  7. After the Millennium is over, God sends two Prophets to the Jews preaching the Gospel of Christ. Satan then will be loosed for a short time to go against the Nation of Israel.
  8. After a time of Great Tribulations on the Earth, the end will come followed by the Great White Throne Judgment and time will be no more.

This is what the Bible teaches. All of those books and movies about the antichrist being a certain man and the tribulation that those who are left behind will go through are nothing more than fables devised by man because of their own private interpretation of scripture.

God sent Brother William Branham to the people for the purpose of laying a foundation for the future ministry that was to take place before the return of Christ. During his sermon on the opening of the “Seventh Seal” Brother Branham was given a glance of what was to come, but he didn’t relate the details to the people for fear that many would leave him. He stated many times that God would send a man with the spirit of Elijah on him and this person would restore the faith of the people back to the faith and understanding of His Word that the Apostles held to. Brother Branham knew this would come to pass and knew that he was not that person. This has come to pass just as our Brother prophesied that it would and now it is God’s will that His people turn back to the truth contained in the scriptures and prepare themselves for what is to come.

Hear again the message to the Church of Laodicea which represents this last Gentile Church Age who Jesus was speaking to:

“Because you say, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and know not that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that you may be rich; and white raiment, that you may be clothed, and that the shame of your nakedness does not appear; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any person hears my voice, and open the door, I will come in to them, and will sup with him, and they with me. To them that overcome will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and have sat down with my Father in his Throne.”

May those who have eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to understand, believe the written Word of God and repent as the time grows near. When the Son of man returns, will He find faith on the Earth?

What will your answer be? Have you held to and preserved His Word?

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Modern Day Jezebels

Throughout Bible History God has instructed women about what their role should be in life and how they should conduct themselves. From the very beginning God said that the woman should be a helper for a man and should submit to the rule that man has over her. The Bible teaches throughout that the man is the head over the woman and describes a woman as being under subjection to the man and learning from him. Also that women should adorn themselves in modest apparel and conduct themselves with modesty and reverence which becomes women professing godliness with good works that should be their testimony. In the Apostle Paul’s letter to Titus, he said that women should be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, and obedient to their own husbands, possessing a meek and quiet spirit which is what God expects of them.

Is this a picture of so many women of our day? Absolutely not! For in this modern day most of the women want to wear the pants in the family and are dominant over their husbands having no respect for the position of a man that God placed the man in. Most women today do not recognize the man as being the head over the woman and works to usurp the authority that the man was given under God’s Law. Nothing that the Bible describes a woman as being, vaguely describes most of the women of this modern time. Instead, most women in this modern day insist on having equal rights with the man which was not in God’s plan from the beginning.

The Apostle Paul recognized the problems this would cause when he stated that he would not permit a woman to teach or usurp the authority over the man. Why did he take this position? He made it very clear because of the way the first woman was deceived by satan, knowing this was a weakness that was inherent in womanhood. This was the reason God proclaimed that the woman should be submissive to the man who holds a more favored position with God. After all, God made the man first, not the woman. Man was not made for the woman; instead woman was made for man.

As an example of why the woman should not hold a position of authority over the man is described in the narrative concerning the ancient King of Israel Ahab and his wife Jezebel. Instead of Jezebel being submissive to her husband, she made every effort to have her own way every way that she could by lying and using deceitful tactics for her gain. But Jezebel made a terrible mistake when she positioned herself against Elijah a prophet of God and paid for it with her life.

This same spirit of Jezebel is alive today because satan has caused many women to believe a lie that they have been predestinated to do a service for God, thinking that God has spoken to them, when in fact is was satan speaking. Just as Eve was deceived into thinking the serpent was God, the same thing occurs in this modern day.

A certain preacher said one time that it was a serious and dangerous thing to attempt to do God a service without it being the will of God. The first thing a person should do is to be certain that it was God that called them to do it and then they should examine their motives as to why they are attempting to do it. Are their motives the same as Jezebel’s motives were, to fulfill their own evil desires to achieve something. In addition they should consider whether or not their tactics being used to achieve their goal are the way God would approve of using.

Throughout history it was a woman that contributed to the fall of man. It started in the Garden of Eden when Eve being deceived caused Adam to sin and fall from grace. Then Jezebel caused the fall of Ahab from the throne of Israel to his death in disgrace. In today’s modern World there are many women being influenced by the Jezebel spirit. These women are being used by satan to orchestrate the fall of men from all walks of life and to position themselves as the dominant figures in positions of authority which was not God’s will from the beginning.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Voice of God?

I heard a Voice Speaking to me
Said Brother William Branham

From the time when William Branham was just a small boy and throughout his ministry a voice spoke to him on many occasions. This voice would give him instructions about what to do in his ministry, reveal to him things that were going to happen before they came about and reveal to him about healings that were to take place. He said that he was commissioned by an Angel to take a ministry of divine healing to the people and was given two supernatural signs to assist him in order to get the people to believe that God would answer his prayers. During the course of his ministry it was reported that thousands of people received their bodily healing from God and millions of people received their salvation for eternal life by accepting the Gospel of Christ.
One voice that he heard, he said was speaking from a bright light which appeared over the River as he was baptizing new converts and told him that the message he was preaching, which was the Gospel of Christ, would precede the second coming of Christ to the Earth. Although he has passed away from this Earthly life, that same message is still being preached by thousands of preachers around the World.
For many years during his preaching William Branham would preach about God being in Jesus and would vaguely refer to what he believed about the possibility of Jesus actually being God in the flesh body of Jesus. I say vaguely refer to this belief because he was not absolutely convinced that was the case. The reason for this was because there were a few scriptures that could be interpreted that Jesus was God and many scriptures that indicated that Jesus was not. Even though, he used his belief in Jesus being God the Father to shape all of his future teaching in spite of the other scriptures which were not in agreement with his understanding.
Then on one occasion while he was in the woods hunting William Branham said that a voice spoke to him and said: “Jesus of the New Testament was Jehovah of the Old Testament”. When that happened, William Branham said: “That was confirming, of course, my message of Him, letting me know, assured that these thirty-one years hasn't been in vain.” This is what he recounted during a service when he was preaching on August 27th, 1961. Even before this voice spoke to him and as he said confirmed what he had always believed, all of his sermons had been instrumental in using the scriptures with his own interpretation to prove what he had always believed.
Now William Branham said on one occasion “If you say, "I heard a voice tell me this." If it's contrary to the Word, it wasn't God's voice. God's voice comes with the Word.” By the Word, he meant that Bible scripture had to conform to what the voice said or it was not from God because God does not speak to a person and contradict what is written in the Bible.
Let us just look at a few scriptures which should shed some light on this subject of Jesus being God the Father. I won’t quote them all here, but there are thirty six instances in the four Gospels where Jesus said that the Father sent him. Now if Jesus was the Father, did He send Himself? That’s not the way it works. A person doesn’t send himself; it takes two people, one to do the sending and another to be sent. It just doesn’t make any common sense for Jesus being God to send Himself. Following are just three scriptures where Jesus stated that the Father sent Him:
            John 4:34 Jesus said unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.
            John 6:38 For I came down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him that sent me.
            John 8:42 Jesus said unto them, If God was your Father, you would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
As you can plainly see in the last verse quoted, Jesus said that he did not come on His own, the Father sent Him.
Some quote the scripture in John 10:30 where it states Jesus saying: “I and my Father are one,” and use this as proof that Jesus and God the Father were the same person. Here is what William Branham said about this verse and others that speak to this same accounting.
He said: “Jesus prayed that the church and He would be one like He and the Father were one. That the church, we as members of the Body of Christ, would be one together just like He and the Father are one. And at that day we would know that He was in the Father--or Father in Him, and He in us, that together we were one.”
I agree with what Brother Branham about all believers being one with Him and the Father, but that doesn’t make us God the Father just because we are one with Him and it doesn’t make Jesus God because He is one with the Father. Following is more that Jesus said on this subject:
John 17:11 “And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to you. Holy Father, keep through your own name those whom you have given me that they may be one, as we are.”
John 17:20-22 : Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that you have sent me. And the glory which you gave me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

There are many other scriptures in the Bible that can be interpreted both ways, that Jesus is God and that Jesus is not God, but the scriptures tell us that “no scripture is of any private interpretation”. We are not to interpret the scriptures; we are not to read between the lines, which means the same thing. What we should do it to accept the scriptures for what they are saying and nothing more.
Brother William Branham certainly must have heard a voice speaking to him about Jesus being God the Father, but the scriptures do not support that He is and if God spoke to Brother Branham and said that, then God contradicted His own Word and God would not do that. So it must be concluded that the voice he heard was not the voice of God.
To add more verification to the false belief that Jesus is God the Father, look at the following two scriptures that state things that Jesus the Son of God did not know, but was retained by the Father without anyone else knowing.
Mat 20:23  And he said unto them, to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father.
Mark 13:32 But of that day and that hour knows no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
If Jesus was God the Father, why would He not be aware of these things? Why can’t you see and accept what the scriptures are saying that prove that Jehovah and Jesus are two separate individuals?
A Prophet of God, if you still believe that William Branham was, could see these things and not contradict what the scriptures are saying. Let me give you another example as follows:
On August 30th 1964 Brother Branham was questioned about the apparent contradiction in the scriptures involving Acts 9:7 & Acts 22:9. Following are these two scriptures:
            Acts 9:7 “And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.
            Acts 22:9 “And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard (not) the voice of him that spoke to me.
(The word “not” was added saying the opposite of what Acts 9:7 said)
Following is what he said when being questioned.
William Branham said: “How many has ever seen that before in the Bible? I have, and I can't explain it. See? I... The Lord will have to reveal it to me. I--I told you awhile ago; I have to be honest with you. See? I don't know. I'm sorry. If I--if I can't explain it, I'll be honest enough to tell you I can't. But I--I won't tackle it when--when I don't know.”
He went on to say: “I can't explain that, for one place it said they saw the Light and never heard the voice, or something like that; and the next place they saw the--heard the voice and never saw the Light. I can't explain it. See? I--I don't know what happened, and I won't know until the Lord reveals it to me; no more than I could tell you about marriage and divorce. I didn't know until He revealed it to me.”

Don’t you think that a Prophet of God would be able to explain something as insignificant as that? God shouldn’t have to reveal something as insignificant as this when all a person has to do is to do a word study on this and they would see that one of the translators added the word “NOT” in verse 22:9. This would then be obvious looking at both verses that those who were with Paul did in fact hear the voice.
Although, sometime after this he got it wrong during one of his sermons when William Branham said:
: “People were there to see these things, and know as Paul said in the days gone by, there's men with him who--who felt the earth shake and didn't hear the voice, but they--they seen the--the Pillar of Fire.”

Many have been taught that they must get the true revelation of what the scriptures mean. A true revelation is based upon understanding scripture and not accepting someone’s interpretation of what they believe the scriptures mean. Let us look at the following scripture as an example.
Matt 16: 15 He said unto them, but who say you that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, you are the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, blessed are you, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood has not revealed it unto you, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto you, that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

The revelation that Peter had was that Jesus was the Son of the living God; his revelation was not that Jesus was the living God. God gave Peter the true revelation about who Jesus was. How can anyone contradict what Peter said and how can anyone oppose the fact that Jesus knew and accepted that the revelation Peter received was true?

I don’t believe that your salvation is dependent upon your belief of William Branham’s assertions or upon my disclosure about the truth of scripture as I present them. Your salvation is only dependent upon the acceptance of the Gospel of Christ, that Jesus was the Son of God and was sent to secure your salvation for those who will believe. If there is a penalty for accepting someone’s private false interpretation of scripture I don’t know, that is left to God the Father who is the only Judge and author of our future for all eternity.

I heard a voice speaking to me and I believe it was the voice of God, so I leave you with this word. Let God and His Word be true and every interpretation of scripture be a lie.

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Kinsman Redeemer

In order for Jesus to be a kinsman redeemer, he had to be kin to those he was to redeem. There must be a connecting blood line between Jesus and the kinsmen he was to be the redeemer of. If God only used Mary as an incubator, as some teach, by creating or planting the egg in her and fertilizing the egg Himself, then there is no bloodline connection between Jesus and Mary and consequently no bloodline between Jesus and the Israeli tribe that Mary evolved from.
The angel that visited Mary not only told her that the child she was going to bear was going to be the Son of God, but he said that the child would also be the son of David and He would inherit the throne of His father David. There is no way that Jesus could inherit the throne of His father David unless there was a bloodline connection between Jesus and David.
But there was a bloodline connection because God did not create the egg in Mary and there is nothing in Bible scripture that even insinuates that was the case. Jesus was conceived by God fertilizing the egg that was already in Mary, one of the eggs that is normally produced on a regular basis in a woman. That egg that became the baby Jesus was the bloodline connection back to King David which made Jesus the son of David and the kinsman connection to all the Israelites. So Jesus was a kinsman redeemer to the Israelites and the Israelites only because there existed no bloodline connection between the people of the Nation of Israel and the Gentile people.
In fact Jesus believed that He was sent by God to provide salvation to only the Israeli people and not to any other Gentile Nation. In Matthew 15:24 when the Canaanite woman asked Jesus for help, he told her that He was only sent for the people of Israel and would not take what was for them and give it to other people of another Nation. In fact, Jesus referred to her as a dog because the Israeli people looked on other Nations as heathens. When Jesus sent His disciples out to preach the Gospel, as is recorded in Matthew 10:5 and 10:6, He told them to only go to the people of Israel and not to the Samaritans or the Gentiles.
What is astonishing is that the scriptures speak of Jesus by the Prophet Isaiah that the Messiah would be a light to the Gentiles, which in time it would come to pass, but this must have been hidden in some way for Jesus to acknowledge it during His Earthly ministry. Oh you say that nothing could be hidden from Jesus because He was God? Well the scriptures tell us that at least one other thing was hidden from Him. When His disciples asked Him about when He would return and when the end of the World would be, Jesus told them that neither He nor the angels knew, only the Father knew what the appointed time would be. (Matthew 24:36)
An important thing to see in the scripture is that Jesus could only do and say what the Father had revealed to Him. Jesus said: “I do nothing of myself; but as my Father has taught me, I speak these things.” It should be obvious if you don’t close your eyes to what the scriptures say that Jesus also knew only what the Father told Him. Everyone can quote as many times as they like what was said by a certain preacher that: “Jesus of the New Testament is Jehovah of the Old Testament” and that “the name of God is the Lord Jesus Christ”, but it is not true according to a preponderance of Bible scripture.
Even after Jesus had ascended into Heaven and the Apostles started preaching the Gospel, they went only to the Jews and not to the Gentiles. (Acts 11:19) It wasn’t until Peter was sent to the house of Cornelius: and Paul was called to preach to the Gentiles, was the Gospel given to them. (Acts chapter 9 and 10) One could suppose that after Jesus was glorified and returned to the Father, it became know to Him that the Gospel was for the Gentile Nations also. Paul spoke about this in Ephesians chapter three, that the mystery which had been hidden from the beginning about the Gentiles receiving the Gospel and becoming fellow heirs with the Jews. So it’s obvious that the inclusion of the Gentiles in the plan of salvation was hidden by God from everyone including Jesus until God the Father was ready to reveal it.
The plain fact is, according to the scriptures and not according to some false preacher, is that the Lord’s Apostles took the Gospel to only the Jews. They did this because this was the way Jesus taught them and by example and the way He performed His ministry. The Apostles selected Matthias to replace Judas as the twelfth apostle just added one more person who would have preached to the Jews only. That is just the reason that Jesus returned to call Paul on the road to Damascus because He needed His twelfth Apostle to take the Gospel to the Gentile Nations after the Father revealed this hidden mystery to Him.
To form one’s own opinion that Jesus was God the Father by misinterpreting the Bible and then trying to make all the other scriptures support this premise is exactly what occurs when a false teacher, someone who has not been ordained to teach scripture, mishandles God’s Word.

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