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Friday, September 30, 2011

Divide and Conquer, the devil’s plan for success

This is being written in the hope that all can see what the devil has been about since the creation of mankind in the World. During this writing the devil will be called by his name of Lucifer and God by His name of Jehovah just to put this on a personal basis, because this whole plan of Lucifer is a personal war between Jehovah our God and Lucifer the devil.

Sometime in the beginning, before man was created Lucifer was in favor with Jehovah and was a chief angel in Heaven until Jehovah found sin in him and cast him out of Heaven. Ever since then Lucifer has been hindering Jehovah’s plan for the World and mankind in ever way that he could. It all started in the Garden of Eden when Lucifer deceived Eve and caused Adam to sin because of not believing Jehovah.

It was Jehovah’s plan in the beginning, when He created man on the Earth to have them live in a paradise on the Earth forever, but because of the efforts of Lucifer that plan of Jehovah’s did not evolve as He wanted. So Jehovah changed His plan to provide another chance for man in the future, at the end of life’s journey after He would send His Son to provide a way for man to enter into paradise again.

Throughout life’s journey for man Lucifer has put stumbling blocks in the way in order to hinder the plan of Jehovah and prevent Him from being successful with the people of the Earth and prevent many of them to achieve the life in paradise that Jehovah had planned for them. Now we go fast forward to modern times and see what Lucifer has done to accomplish his mission of hindering Jehovah’s plan to this day.

In the beginning of Jehovah’s New Covenant with man, Jesus came to speak the words of God and appointed His Apostles to build the Church according to Jehovah’s instructions given to them. These apostles proceeded on their missionary journeys which evolved into the writing of what they had heard from Jesus and what they had seen during the ministry of Jesus which evolved into the bible that we now have.

Since the days when the church was first started there have been divisions in the church because of the way man has interpreted the scriptures and translated the bible into other languages from the language it was written in. On top of that there have been hundreds of versions of the bible that have been produced causing even more confusion about which one is the most accurate to study. In today’s World these divisions have multiplied and have accomplished just exactly what Lucifer wanted to happen. He had divided the people due to different churches teaching doctrines resulting from various men interpreting the scriptures to mean different things and added even more problems because of the variation in different versions of the bible.

Yes the Lucifer the devil has certainly divided the people because of not being able to discover what the truth of Jehovah’s Word is and is preventing Him from accomplishing His plan and His will for mankind. It’s not as much that the Lucifer is after the souls of the people, but is accomplishing his mission of preventing Jehovah from accomplishing His. Lucifer the devil has a get even attitude against Jehovah because he was expelled from Heaven by Him.

Lucifer the devil has divided us until we are no longer one people or one church. We are divided by our beliefs and have no unity of the faith. Jehovah God has put Pastors, Evangelists and Teachers in the church to bring us together in the faith, instead they have separated us with the teaching of their man made doctrines. We have allowed ourselves to be drawn away from the truth because of our own lusts seeking teachers who make us feel good and have chosen to accept the pleasing stories delivered from the altar instead of the truth of the Bible.

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

William Branham Ministries

William Branham Ministries
Voice of God Recordings
William Branham Evangelistic Association
A Branham Family Business

For the duration of this article the name “William Branham Ministries” will be used to represent both the “Voice of God Recordings” and the “William Branham Evangelistic Association” and its operating officers. Any critical references to William Branham Ministries is directed to the results of William Branham’s teaching ministry which was not approved by God, but these critical comments are not directed to his healing ministry which was vindicated by God with signs and wonders.

The William Branham Ministries presents itself as a ministry dedicated to the furtherance of the Gospel of Christ, but in reality it is dedicated to the furtherance of the Gospel according to William Branham. By promoting William Branham as a Prophet of God they present his words to be equal to and in some instances overriding of the Bible which contains the true Word of God.

They state that operating funds are not solicited, but it is obvious that offerings to their ministry is expected from those who profess to be believers in William Branham’s ministry. Would it not be for their professing William Branham of being a Prophet of God, which he denied that he was, the venture they have undertaken would not be as profitable as it has been. It is reported that the annual income to the business from their sales ranges from 30 to 50 million dollars each year. This amount of income to their ministry/business provides for a very comfortable living for many members of the Branham family, which William Branham himself never had because of the sacrifices he made for his dedication to the work of God.

Shortly after the death of William Branham, many ministry groups throughout the World produced booklets containing William Branham’s sermons and details of his ministry and distributed them free of charge to individuals.

This continued for about twenty years after William Branham’s death until the Branham family founded the Voice of God Recordings. At first, realizing the amount of income they were losing because others were producing booklets, including the Spoken Word books, their first move was to take over the distribution of Spoken Word books, which occurred in 1986.

For several years after starting the family business the family attempted to prevent others from producing books and tapes of William Branham’s sermons, claiming they had the sole rights to their production and sale. Their claim was not according to the Law of the land, but because a Prophet of God’s words should override any secular laws.

Then in December of 2001, The Voice of God Recordings sent letters to everyone involved in the production and distribution of books, tapes etc that had not been authorized by them and which no royalties had been received because of this. Those involved were told that what they were doing was against the law by pirating material they had no legal right to and they must not sell, reproduce, or distribute the recorded messages of Brother William Branham in any format in the US, Canada, or any foreign nation, not they must not translate and/or print Brother William Branham’s material. Thus Saith the Voice of God Recordings as they took their stand against it, saying they have been forced into this action. The complete letter can be read here:

It just appears to me that this stand The Voice of God Recordings is taking seems to be all about money, power, control, ego, or some of all of these motives.
Now this letter did get several responses from Ministers involved in the message distribution. More than one of them accused Joseph Branham of having the wrong kind of spirit because of the power play he was engaging in. One who was a friend of and a close brother to William Branham, Ed Byskal of Cloverdale Bibleway Ministeries in Canada sent Joseph Branham a response to his "Here I Stand" publication. His response stated that the Voice of God Recordings was simply after complete control over the distribution of the Message of William Branham for their own gain.
The letters Joseph Branham sent out with his "Here I Stand" statement was egregious because of the accusations, name calling and threats of possible legal action that could be taken against these other Christian Ministers. Certainly not the same kind of spirit was exhibited that his Father had. The condemnation Joseph Branham received from other Ministers in the Message obviously had no effect on him as far as I could determine since no public showing of repentance from him could be found. One might wonder if his conversion in February of 1981 was nothing but a conversion of convenience to enable him to receive the support needed to found the Voice of God Recordings that same year.
This is just the style of treatment that a son of William Branham would receive from everyone out of respect for the ministry of his father as they catered to him because he was a Branham. Without a doubt in my mind, the name and ministry of his Father has been tarnished somewhat because of how Joseph has conducted himself in the business dealings he has dealt with. It surprises me that he continues to remain in control of the family business in light of what has transpired.
The complete response letter from Bibleway and Ed Byskal can be read by clicking here.

One would think that after this incident was responded to by Reverend Byskal and published in the public domain, a final response or apology because of their position that had been taken by the Voice of God Publications would have been in order, but nothing was found pertaining to it.

For many years the transcripts of the recorded sermons of William Branham were provided to the public free of charge, but recently a fee has been imposed upon those of us in the United States in order to supplement the amount of the free will offerings needed to operate this family business. One would think that if this so called ministry was actually in the will of God, charges for the production and distribution of this ministry’s products would be provided for as God would put His blessing on this ministry.

The Bible tells us that foremost we should all provide the necessary care for those of our own family, in addition to providing for the needs of widows, orphans and strangers who come to us in need. It is just as important to provide for the daily physical needs of those who are in need as it is to provide for the spiritual needs of them. I can’t testify to this Voice of God ministries providing for the physical needs of anyone, but if they are charging a fee to provide for their spiritual needs it doesn’t appear to me to be God’s will.

I recently came across a letter or a tract, whatever it was, that was supposedly written by one of William Branham’s daughters who appeared to be in dire need and was unable to receive from her family those things to sustain her in her daily life. Apparently she requested help from her brothers who are the administrators of William Branham’s ministry outreach, but received nothing from them. Or at least no record could be found that proved that any relief was given to her. This letter from Sarah, William Branham’s daughter, can be read in it’s entirety by clicking here:

A local minister, Reverand Raymond (Junior) Jackson, who was a close friend of William Branham, took it upon himself to intercede for Sarah by sending a letter to William Branham’s oldest son in order to obtain some relief for William Branham’s Daughter. His letter which also was found on the Internet can be read in its entirety by clicking here:

Once again, no response was ever made public, as far as could be determined, that Reverand Jackson was successful in obtaining help for Sarah.

Since all of these correspondences were made public on the Internet, which in some manner impugned the integrity of the Administrators of the William Branham Ministries, one would think that a response by them would have served their best interest in public acceptance. Silence about these accusations does nothing except cast doubt in everyone's mind about the integrity of these men who have assumed the position of William Branham's continuing ministry.

In my estimation, these conflicts all centered over the covetous of money and the exercise of power and control over others. Certainly not the type of position you would like to see involving those who have assumed the ministry outreach of the very humble man that God sent out to help people who were in need of spiritual and physical healing.

This then gets to my position concerning the operation of the William Branham Ministries. In the first place the success of this ministry depends upon the promotion of William Branham being a prophet of God. In William Branham’s own words he on many occasions stated that he was not a prophet. By the William Branham Ministries promoting him as a prophet, it would serve the purpose of getting the people to accept what he taught as the Word of God which would be just as valid as God’s words in the bible. If William Branham was truly a Prophet of God, he would have known that the bible contained many errors and man’s addition of implied doctrines and would never have accepted the entire bible as being God’s Word, but he did.

According to William Branham, he was not a prophet of God, even though he allowed the people to believe that he was in order to benefit from it in his healing ministry. Those who insist on him being a prophet, in spite of his denial, are doing nothing more than saying he lied or was mistaken. This being done in order to improve their position and adding value to the importance of promoting their position in order to maintain the following from others who are needed to sustain the family business.

The production and distribution of William Branham’s sermons, or “Message” as they call it, cannot be God’s perfect will as those teaching sermons are not in line with bible scripture and should be stopped.

God, being our Creator and our Heavenly Father has a perfect right for the truth of His Word to be known by all people and it should be the object of all people to seek out the truth and hold to it in spite of those who are in the business to subvert it.

Acceptance of William Branham’s teaching whether it is, or is not the Word of God, has nothing to do with a person’s obtaining salvation. Acceptance of the Gospel of Christ is the simplicity of being saved and inheriting eternal life. Although it is God’s Will that each of us learn and hold to the truth of His Word in order to please Him and not be ashamed because we didn’t when we face Him in that final hour.

The William Branham Ministries organization states that they are a nondenominational and Independent Ministry, but their operation does not reflect that stated position. In fact they operate in the same manner as all of the other Christian Denominations, especially the Jehovah Witnesses.

Where the Jehovah Witnesses have a Governing Body that oversees and directs the operation of their ministry, the William Branham Ministries has William Branham’s two sons that oversee its operation. Where the Jehovah Witnesses uses the Watch Tower Association to develop doctrines for their organization, the William Branham Ministries distributes the spoken word from William Branham’s sermons to serve as the interpretation of the Bible to set the standard of belief for all of its Sister Churches which are called “Message Churches”. They maintain that because they have proclaimed William Branham as a Prophet of God and in doing so they contend that his teaching has the same authority as the written Word of God.

Those who have promoted that William Branham was a Prophet and they did so, did not have the authority to do so. Only Jehovah God makes a man to be His Prophet. In addition, even a Prophet does not have the authority to contradict God’s written Word and this was done by William Branham in his unauthorized teaching of Bible scripture. The scriptures teach us that “no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation”. Only scripture interprets scripture and anything else is in error.

The return of Christ for His Church is imminent and unless all wrongs are made right, many will miss His coming because of accepting false teaching. Remember His words: “Behold I come quickly blessed is he that keeps the sayings of the prophecy of this book.”


Comments from the Branham family are welcome and will be published on this site after being confirmed as to their authenticity.

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Note from the Webmaster

The letters posted on this website have been in circulation on the Internet for years and considerate to be in the public domain. Although we cannot vouch for the authenticity of any of these letters, one could form an opinion on the mindset of the management of the William Branham Ministries aka the Voice of God Publications and the William Branham Evangelistic Association because of the content of them.

Letter from Raymond M. Jackson to Billy Paul Branham Concerning Sarah Branham De Corado
June 25, 1990
Christian greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. I write this letter with deep concern in my heart, after having read the tract sent to me from some brethern in africa. The one which Sarah [your sister], had printed and sent out.

[Editor: Previous Pastor of Faith Assembly Church, 1715 Old Potters Lane, Jeffersonville, IN 47129]

Elizabeth, Ind.
R.R. #3 Box 163-I
June 25, 1990

Dear Brother Billy Paul,
Christian greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. I write this letter with deep concern in my heart, after having read the tract sent to me from some brethern in africa. The one which Sarah [your sister], had printed and sent out.

All of these things stated in the tract are between you and her. But my purpose in writing to you these words, is to find out why Sarah has been put on the outside of the family and treated worse than a stray dog? Why doesn't she have the same right to receive some of her living from the ministry of her father, Brother William Branham? You sure have been doing it for the past 25 years. Why can't she also have access to some of the material benefits? There has to be some reason why all of you have rejected her from the family circle. I am sure of one thing, if Bro. Branham was alive and given a choice to set things in order, Sarah would be given an equal opportunity to share in the things of his ministry.

Billy Paul, I am not writing this to you, just to try and get Sarah's influence. I don't need anyone's influence. After reading the tract which she had printed and sent out, I could not help but feel concerned for her, her children and her husband. Maybe you don't consider her children as nieces and nephews of yours, but I am sure that Bro. Branham would see them as his grandchildren.

It seems strange, Becky and her family are living in the home in Tucson, Joseph and his family are living in the home on Ewing Lane, and you are living in a good home in Sellersburg. So why can't Sarah have a good home also from her father's ministry?

The money stated in the tract is a considerable amount. It is not right for her to be turned away from her rightful inheritence. Since all the money that was put in there, as the Lord's money, was due to Bro. Branham's ministry. No one child in the eyes of God has any more right to it than another.

Sarah called me, and told me how she has been treated. I felt very sad in my heart for her and her family. She never asked me to wite this or do anything. I am doing this out of respect for her, being Bro. Branham's daughter.

Billy Paul, you may say that this is none of my business. It is true that I am not a member of the Branham family, but I am a member of the family of God. And in the eyes of God this whole thing is not right.

Do you remember in 1966, when certain men were going to make me their Joshua? I was in North Carolina at the time. You wanted to talk to me on this. So when I came home I met you and Bro. Nevile at the Tabernacle. There you told me how wrong it was for me to allow that spirit to go ahead. I told you then that I did not accept that Joshua teaching. Later in Christianburg Va you requested that I make a public statement condemning that Joshua teaching, which I did. It was in Ernest Fulcher's church in the afternoon service. Even though there are some that still condemn me on that.

Now after almost 25 years since Bro. Branham's departure, you still cater to men who hold Bro. Branham as being Jesus Christ, Lord, or God. I well remember the Sunday that Bro. Branham preached on the "Bruised Serpent". How he condemned that spirit that wanted to make him Jesus Christ. Then that afternoon these men all came and parked in the driveway of his home and were suppose to have repented to him of that. Now almost 25 years later some still go on believing tat. And you go along with that, plus a lot of other things that some men teach. Not one time have you reached out to touch them, or corrected them.

Billy Paul, in these last 25 years I have not left my wife for some other woman, though some have said that I did. I love my wife and she loves me. She has went around the world three times with me, enduring conditions that many would not have. I have never hoarded up money. In the past 20 years I have managed to feed people that have come to our meetings. I have also put many up in motel rooms that could not afford to do it for themselves. I want people to be able to enjoy the fellowship of each other no matter what their financial status may be. Many times people have asked me, "How do you do it?"

Billy Paul, when Pastor Armon Nevile was on his death bed, he told me how that Banks Woods told him that Bro. Branham had said "Don't ever let Billy Paul get in control of the money, because it will ruin him."

Now after these many years have gone by, It looks strange that you seem so eager to cut your sister and her family off. Billy Paul, I would think twice before I would let this condition for on much longer. Your sister has as much right to any material benefits that Bro. Branham's ministry left behind, as you do. Could it be that she does not agree with all these wild revelations that some hold too? If so, then you are just using the financial condition as a leverage on her.

Billy Paul, you have went with men who hold to quotes, etc. for years now. And you yourself have gone nowhere in the true spirit of God. During the last few years you have projected your brother Joseph, as God's next Prophet. That idea in itself lets me know that you are all mixed up. Oh yes! I know what Bro. Branham said. And it would do you well to listen to the scriptures on this. The Bible only spoke of one major Prophet for our age, Malachi 4:5-6. Any other prophet will have to come under Eph.4:11, New Testement prophet. Which he could become a prophet along with others. Such as in 1 Cor. 12:28, not, the Prophet, one and only. Which I am sure you would like for it to be. Because this would give you a great hold over God's people.

Billy Paul, I am not picking on you. I'm telling you that for almost 25 years, you have played both ends against the middle, hoping to come out the winner. It won't work. Billy Paul, you have a nice personality, but it is minus the true love of God. Because if you can treat your own sister the way you are, then I know how you must look on others who refuse to go along with you and your motive of belief.
Sarah is in New York struggling to survive, under conditions that aren't fit for a dog. You could make life much more enjoyable for her and her family. They have no furniture of there own, no car, and no future, only God. Little do you realize it Billy Paul, God could have allowed you to act this way through the years. To show the real christian people through-out the world, that you need Jesus in your heart and life in a greater way. You don't need all those deity people around you, using you t o put forth their carnal purpose- even though they have money to throw away.

In 1966 when you talked to me on the Joshua spirit, I want you to know, you never offended me. I have always had respect for you as a brother in the faith. But now, years later. I see you catering to people of many carnal revelations. That never will be accepted by the true bride of Jesus Christ. Billy Paul, I remember that Sunday morning when Bro. Branham wept as he did, and preached his heart out, because of what those men and people had done to him, in making him Jesus Christ. Now that he is gone, you seem to hold to those people like they are glued to you. And their revelation, now in 1990, is even worse that it was then. You will have to give an account to God one day why all this has been tolerated.

A few years back two men from the United Pentecostal Church wrote a booklet abut Bro. Branham. The title of the booklet was "Branhamism Fact or Fiction". In that booklet they condemned Bro. Branham's teaching on Serpent Seed, Predestination, and him being a prophet to the gentiles. Of which they said was unscriptural for there to be one. In this booklet they said that, "His body was kept in state at Faith Assembly Church, Jeffersonville, In.". After reading the booklet I wrote an open letter an rebuked the whole thing and challenged them on their statements. I sent it to the U.P.C. headquarters at Springfield Mo. and to the Rev. Post in Canada, who I had met one time up there in an airport. I expected to at least get some response from headquarters. But to this day, they have said nothing. Why do I say this? Because I used the Bible to defend him and not a bunch of quotes taken out of context of the sermons. I never heard any of your people say or do anything in defense of Bro. Branham's ministry in regards to what was said in their booklet.

Billy Paul, you may think that God doesn't speak to anyone anymore unless they are in your camp. But please wake up and listen. I am going to send you a tract, telling what the Lord showed me back in 1988. When Jim Bakers ordeal first started. And also, last year there was a man from Costa Rica in our convention. He gave a great testimony in which he related how God spoke to him in two different dreams. To get ready and come to the states, and there he would lead him to a man that would give him new wine. Meaning a new revelation. He is coming again this year to the convention, and we will be making plans to go there to minister to those people. Billy Paul time is running out. It will not go on for another 25 years. But time will soon tell where we will all wind up at in heaven or tribulation.

In the past 25 years, preachers and laymen around the world have taken Bro. Branham's name and message and run wild. Not only with their lives in an immoral way, but their revelations are as evil as their deeds. I have a filing cabinet full of some of the things they have preached and propogated. Some in print and some on tape. All done in the name of William Branham, God's prophet.

Billy Paul, I saw the figures of the amount of money that was in the corporation name in Tucson. It doesn't bother me if it is three billion. If you can use it for the glory of God. Since your sister Becky and family have a home in Tucson, Joseph and family have the home on Ewing Lane, and you have one in Sellersburg, Please! in the name of Jesus Christ reach out your arms to your sister. And let her have a roof over her head. So that she and her family can spend a little of their time, while left here, living at least a life of peace and comfort. As you have. Please give those little children something of their grandfather's ministry. Because time will not go on another 25 years. and we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account of the things that we have done in His name while in this life, II Cor. 5:10. Amen

Raymond M. Jackson

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Note from the Webmaster

The letters posted on this website have been in circulation on the Internet for years and considerate to be in the public domain. Although we cannot vouch for the authenticity of any of these letters, one could form an opinion on the mindset of the management of the William Branham Ministries aka the Voice of God Publications and the William Branham Evangelistic Association because of the content of them.

Sarah Branham De Corado Testimony

I was approached tonight to let the bride once again read Sarah Branham's story. So here it its in the original form unabridged. Written July 1989. This will probably start a fire storm but it is the truth about what she heard just before the accident and WMB desire to preach "The Trail of The Serpent".
Sarah Branham's Reveals The Inside Story About William Branham's Last Few Minutes Before The Accident & How He Was Planning on Exposing Sin in His Own Family, Church and The Corruption in This Message. His Wife Begged Him Not To Do it!

He died before he could preach it, but Sarah tells us what was on Brother Branham's mind, what she saw, heard and experienced!
This article is published by Sister Sarah Branham De Corado, brother William Marrion Branham's own daughter. She is the only living witness that was in Brother Branham's car before and during the accident he died in.

Some of the information may not be very tasteful to a number of people, as Sarah unveils her opinion and uncomfortable stories about senior people and ministers in this Message, including her own family.

The article is printed exactly the same as she published and began circulating it in July 1989. Like our web site, her desire was and is to expose Message corruption and "The Trail of The Serpent".

As all American citizens, Sister Sarah Branham has a right to "Free Speech", but there is no question in our minds,

By Sarah Branham De Corado
New York, July 1989

To the Bride of Christ – the followers of the message

Because many people that I have approached for help through all these years have asked me the reason why I am in need – the only one of Brother Branham’s children, including grandchildren and in-laws, while all of them live in the luxuries and comforts that the world can provide. Since none of them have ever worked; why am I not included in this?

I feel I should expose publicly several things that have happened all going back since the days when my father was killed. As you know my mother and I were the only survivors of it. Now she has passed away and I am the only living witness of what actually happened in the car.

I don’t know how many times my mother told me: “Take it with you to the grave.” What she meant by that I have to tell you now. It seems that I cannot live with it no more and I am sure I couldn’t die with it. I’m getting so nervous even thinking about it, simply cannot bare it any longer. In the way I look at it, it is indirectly connected with my father’s accident.

I remember that my father was very troubled before we left Tucson for the Jeffersonville meetings where he was to preach “The trail of the serpent” and expose names of the people of this message that were doing wrong including family members. In this tension we left Arizona. The last argument before we left was because my sister Becky wanted to stay in the apartment with her friend Betty Collins. My father never wanted her to stay. Finally he gave in as mother had already agreed and left her there. She gave her word that she would not leave the apartment.

All day my father was troubled and he would stop and call but she didn’t answer. We traveled until we stopped at evening time to eat. My father ordered his food and then I hear him tell mother: “I am going to call Becky one more time.” He called and came back to the table very upset. He turned to mother and said: “She’s not there.” He had ordered a piece of pie but never ate it. When we left Joseph went in the car with Billy Paul and Loyce which never would have happened any other time.

Just because my father was so troubled he never even noticed it. I got in the back seat, mother and father in the front. They started to argue right away. He was very upset, because Becky was not in the apartment as she had promised. Mother started taking up for her. My father turned to mother and said, “You know where she is.” Mother started crying saying, “Please, Bill…” I laid down in the back seat of the car, because I was very upset too, as this was the first time I had ever seen and heard them argue in that tone. My father said, “I am going to expose many things and names this time.” My mother kept begging: “Please, no, Bill…”

I know my father was a very cautious driver, always keeping speed limits and observing the traffic. Under normal circumstances he would have reacted and avoided the car coming towards him. While speaking he looked over to mother during this unpleasant conversation. Just then it happened.

That was the last thing I remember from ;before the crash until I came to myself in the ambulance. Later I found out that Rebekah was with Pearry Green and they had a difficult time finding her to let her know about the accident. I was two months in the hospital.

When I came home my mother acted very nervous around me. Finally she approached me and wanted to know how much I had remembered from before the accident. She told me not to mention or talk about it ever again, but to take it with me to the grave.

My father had a notebook on his sermon “The trail of the serpent.” My mother let me read where he had written: “I will be betrayed by someone very close to me.” Later when she wanted to see the notes again, she was told by Billy Paul that there were no notes, the pages were empty.

Also I would like to mention something that happened after the accident that always bothered mother and me. My father needed a blood transfusion immediately after the accident. He had a rare blood type and they had to send to another city for it. If he could have had the blood transfusion in time maybe his life could have been spared. How strange his own son would not donate blood in that emergency case.

Only God knows all the facts, but after I saw the document dated the 26th day of October, 1965, I began to wonder even more. Just imagine while my father was still alive, my brother appeared before a Notary Public as William Branham transferring the William Branham Evangelistic Association into another corporation. The document is in my possession. He signed it as William Branham Jr. It was registered on Nov. 4, 1965 at 3:45 p.m. with the “Arizona Corporation Commission.”

Just recently a noted lawyer in New York looked into the matter and showed me different bank statements which are still in my possession. One shows the amount in cash of 3,113,676 plus stocks 130,645 plus other things. This money was left untouched since the departure of my father. According to the notary document it is fixed for 25 years. I am asking myself what will be done with the large sum of money accumulated by now after the 26th of October, 1990.

After the accident things changed dramatically. Suddenly Billy Paul was in possession of lots of money. He built a custom home with all gold fixtures and custom furniture. My mother was very upset.

It`s a known fact than insurance companies are here to rip you off. That`s what insurance companies have been doing for last 100 years, and they continue doing so! Most employers are required by insurance companies to drug test! Challenge the insurance companies and drug testing today with the help of a brand new drug store.

She told me that Billy Paul had fixed it in such a way that he will end up with everything. This has become obvious. His house in Tucson is empty and I have no place to stay. Mother told me that he had forged my father’s signature on that mentioned document to make an association that would give him power and access over the money my father left behind.

Billy had never anything to do with mother. He used to come to the house maybe once a year. But I used to see him get up in the pulpit at meetings and say how much he loves mother when I knew it was a lie. My mother used to get so upset at all the different doctrines that were going on and that Billy Paul would not try to stop them or at least stand for his father which he claimed to love so much. My mother lost her confidence and respect in the brethren pretending to preach the message and in everything they did. She used to refer to the “Branham Tabernacle” as “Collin’s corner” and made her remarks. She said that the spirit which was with my father was no longer there, but the Rev. Collins has made it a place of blasphemy. She wondered how Billy Paul would allow such a man to be a pastor of the tabernacle.

Also I would like to mention that Billy Paul gave 75,000 dollars of the church money to Mr. Doug McQuiz in Tucson to start his church and a construction business. When mother found out she begged Billy not to do it. But, of course, he did. Mr. Doug McQuiz never paid it back to this day and he claims it was a gift from a rich friend. When I asked him to help me because I was in such a need, he said, “Go to work…”

From the family inheritance I received my share of 55,000 dollars after my mother passed away. The Rev. Pearry Green of Tucson presenting himself nicely as the pastor of the Branham family suggested that I give him 50,000 which he would invest into a travel agency. He said, “From this time you don’t need to worry any more. You can go as missionaries to Guatemala and every month you will receive you’re your support.” I don’t remember exactly whether it was three, four or five times he sent a monthly support. Then he informed me that things did not work out the way he expected, and we didn’t see the rest of the money until this day. But we were not the only ones falling into the trap with him. Very soon I hope things will come to light which were done wrong including with all the pastors in the message who take the tenth (tithes) from the people and treat the large sums of money as their private income. They are hiding behind some statements my father made in this regard, not mentioning the fact that he himself drew a salary from the church. Up to this date the money given in the “Branham Tabernacle” in Jeffersonville goes in the church treasury. I was ready to take the whole matter to court but Bro. Frank told me not to do it because it’s against the Scripture (I Cor. 6).

At this point I must mention that I had a very special experience in May 1989, when I was told to go and meet Brother Frank in Germany. Very clearly, and I say this before God Almighty, I saw a huge meeting where my father was preaching as usual. After the sermon a prayer line was called and I was in that prayer line. When my turn came to be prayed for I was told “Go and see Brother Frank.” Of course being taken by surprise, I asked spontaneously: “Brother Frank in Germany?” And the reply was quite commanding: “Yes, go and see Brother Frank in Germany.”

At the beginning of June this year I spent a week at the Mission Center in Krefeld, West Germany. With my own eyes I saw how the stored-up food was made available in the different languages. Because I was told that I should go and see Brother Frank, I had confidential talks with him. As my husband and I could not go along with any of the strange doctrines we of course were pushed out from participating in the money that was so generously given to the members of the family as well as for mission purposes.

When I was about to give birth to another child I asked my brother Joseph to give me 1,500 dollars to cover the hospital expenses, his reply was: “Where do you think I can get this money from?” I went to Rev. Pearry Green and he sent me off with “next to nothing.: My sister Becky took me to the Welfare while living in the house that is just as much mine as hers. We were of course not only disappointed we were upset seeing the luxury the rest of the family and also especially the ministers in this message are enjoying.

We were getting bitter because we were humiliated so many times having to beg for money to feed our eight children. The brethren who present themselves pius before the believers have also finished my husband Eddy who is an ordained minister having a diploma of the Tucson University. Of course he could not go along with every wind of doctrine or become a slave of man.

It is very easy to spread the rumor all over the world that Sister Sarah acts strange but cover up the facts that made me act the way I do. In the same way it is very easy to spread the rumor that Sister Jackson from South Africa is mentally ill, at the same time keeping secret why she landed in a mental institution. All insiders know about the 65,000 dollars Brother Sidney Jackson gave to Rev. Pearry Green who promised to take him as a co-pastor and accommodate him in Tucson. After the passing away of Brother Jackson of course Sister Jackson being left without money she begged Rev. Green and even other brothers approached him in this matter and finally he denies having received the money. I only hope that others who were also cheated will have the courage to come up with their stories and claims.

I have said nothing but the truth. My family and others have pushed me through terrible things, sleeping in parks, airports, etc. For truly they are responsible along with the rich ministers for the mess in the Bride. Look at my family and most of the ministers, you see among them diamonds, designer clothes, fancy cars and offices. Most of them have used the tithes of the people to buy real estate and investments, travel agencies. Those having large well-off congregations have made themselves multimillionaires. All these ministers became rich using my father’s name.

I would like to thank all of you who are helping us during this time of hardship.

I believe that the return of our Lord is very near. The things which are not right amongst God’s people must be straightened out immediately. If we are not willing to do it the law will have to do it for us. I have just given you this little information to let you know that those who have taken responsibility after my father passed away are not at all the way they present themselves. God will have to raise up men after His own heart who have no desire for fame and money. Perhaps from the so-called Bride which is split up into so many different directions the Lord will have to call out His elect who will go in one direction and that is God’s ordained way according to the message my father preached from the Holy Scriptures. I believe he brought us back to the original Word. It is God’s ordained Message which will forerun the second coming of Christ, not all the false interpretations of the message.

May God bless you all, please pray for us.

Sarah Branham De Corado
P.O. Box 20323
Columbus Circle
New York, N.Y. 10023

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Note from the Webmaster

The letters posted on this website have been in circulation on the Internet for years and considerate to be in the public domain. Although we cannot vouch for the authenticity of any of these letters, one could form an opinion on the mindset of the management of the William Branham Ministries aka the Voice of God Publications and the William Branham Evangelistic Association because of the content of them.

Our Response to "Here I Stand"
Many of you have contacted our office with questions concerning the recent publication entitled, "Here I Stand" issued by The Voice of God Recordings, Inc. (VOG). Although this document is not worthy of a response, many have requested our thoughts and clarification on the subject matter. Below are some previously unknown facts and very important details which should help in understanding these issues from a spiritual perspective.
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In Paul's letter to the Philippians, the scripture states:
"Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defense of the gospel. What then? Notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice". (Philippians 1:15-18)

On December 5th, 2001 Brother Ed Byskal received a letter from Brother Joseph Branham, the contents of which, we learned two days later, had already been printed and sent out in a rather elaborate document titled, "Here I Stand". It was indeed disturbing to realize that this document was printed BEFORE there was any contact with Brother Byskal. No phone call, letter, or any attempt was made to communicate with him. Some of the harshest statements are incorrect, inaccurate half-truths, gathered from sources whose motives are not in the Spirit of the Message or the Prophet Messenger, Brother Branham.
We are deeply saddened to say that the document "Here I Stand" is NOT in the spirit of Brother Branham, and the entire contents are clearly intended for the sole purpose of control over the distribution of the Message. What is the motive behind this document? It certainly could not be for the mass spreading of the message. For more than 12 years PRIOR to the existence of VOG, there were God-called ministers of the Word that had sacrificially labored to provide the Prophet's message to multitudes throughout the entire world. They preached, sent message tapes, translated, and propagated the end time message by every possible means! Was this all "stolen food" as referred to in the publication, "Here I Stand"? How utterly unscriptural!

There is ONE issue that is fundamental to all others addressed in the "Here I Stand" document. The entire subject of "Franchise" and all other related issues depend upon how this question is answered.
Is the Message spoken by a vindicated Prophet the Word of God?

This can only be answered by a simple "Yes" or "No"

If the answer is "No", then the subject of Franchise is completely irrelevant.

If the answer is Yes, then we conclude that the Prophet's words are the Word of God. The crux of the entire matter rests here. There is not one scripture in the entire Bible that even remotely suggests that God gave His Word into the hand of a man or group of men to have the "sole rights" to control distribution to the world. And to imply that THIS is what Brother Branham was referring to when he used the word "Franchise" is to subvert the very essence of his words in the most blatant manner.

We will show clearly that Brother Branham was dealing with a serious problem he was experiencing at that time - the dreadfully poor quality of recording and the shameful manner in which the tapes were being handled.

The Bible clearly declares to whom God has committed his Word - a group of men separated by the Holy Ghost to the ministry of the Word.
"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:" (Ephesians 4:11-13)
"And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also". (11 Timothy 2:2)

It is impossible for Brother Branham to institute a Franchise that is contrary to the Bible. Then what was Brother Branham referring to? The answer is simple. If you read what he said, without any ulterior motive, it is obvious that the subject came up because of the dreadfully poor quality of the tapes. Because this problem existed, others were making their own tapes. This is abundantly evident in the following phrases, all taken out of Church Order.

CHURCH.ORDER_ JEFF.IN COD THURSDAY_ 63-1226 896-Q-230 230.
•   Question: "many are writing the office and blaming you for the action on the tapes"
•   "And now, there has been complaints all along on the making of the tapes"
•   "They're writing to the office and blaming you."
•   "Frankly, I've had many letters on it, and want to know why they can't get their tapes."
•   "Now, you know your contract with the one who has the franchise, as I understood... The tapes, I want nothing to do with them myself, if anybody can use the tapes for furthering the Gospel, "Amen.""
•   "But it seemingly here lately, there's been a great complaint about not getting their tapes. People has called me up from across the country. And then another, being, retracted tapes. They'll be playing one thing one minute, and play back on another another thing, and then you can't even understand what they are."
•   "Now, these people paying for these tapes should get a genuine tape. I don't care what they have to do to get it; we want to see our customers and our brothers (which they are our customers and our brothers), so forth, they must have an "A-number-one" tape."
•   "And someone's called me, and say they been waiting for months for tapes."
•   "Now, these orders must be carried out. See? And it must be carried right, because it is complaining. They complained with Leo and Gene; they complained with every one; it's complain with Brother Maguire; and it'll be complaining with somebody else, but let's find out what their complaining is."
•   "Now, but when the tapes are begin to pile up, boxes of them, letters by the dozens pouring in, and they... See, it doesn't fall back to the tape maker; it falls on me. They're always bawling me out about it."
•   "The tape must be made right. And the customer must be satisfied, or stop the whole tape thing altogether; we won't have no tapes, just let anybody make them that wants to. But if they're going to charge for them, let them see that they get what they paid for, 'cause that's Christianity. That's no more than do..."
"These trustees has an agreement with the person who is making the tapes, and the tapes are by a franchise."
"No one else can make tapes unless it be permitted by the person that has the franchise…"

The context of the entire subject has to do with correcting the problem of poor quality tapes being sold and all the complaints coming back on Brother Branham. Thus Brother Branham is emphatically stating that the trustees are to see to it that the one holding the contract is held responsible to make an "A-number-one" tape.

The Franchise had to do with "making the tapes", as we have stated, literally recording Brother Branham's services, then to duplicate and sell the taped message.


To use these quotes of Brother Branham as though they were to extend to the spreading of the Message from duly purchased and paid for tapes is in fact to put the Word of God under the control of one man. Unequivocally, this would be completely unscriptural. It is a serious and dangerous error to imply something from the Prophet's words that he clearly was NOT dealing with.
On pages 11-12 (Here I Stand) it is stated that Bible Believers / Cloverdale Bibleway "have proclaimed that all of Brother Branham's work is a part of the "Public Domain"

The fact is, The William Branham Evangelistic Association proclaimed that the tapes were "Public Domain" in a Report Letter dated September 1, 1972 and signed by William Paul Branham, Fred Sothmann, and Roy Roberson. We quote as follows:

Quotes from Report Letter sent out from the William Branham Evangelistic Association Dated September 1, 1972

"During the past fourteen years the tape recorded messages of Brother Branham have been franchised by the governing board responsible to Brother Branham, more recently called the William Branham Evangelistic Association. In 1962 the sole right of reproducing the tape recorded Message of Brother Branham was granted to Brother Fred Sothmann, who has consistently paid a twenty five cent royalty to William Branham Evangelistic Association on all tapes sold which is used to send free tapes all over the world.

Most recently our attorney informed us that the tape recorded messages of Brother Branham were considered to be "public domain" and could not legally be enforced under a franchise. We accept this as being the law of the land, and henceforth will not try to enforce the franchise of the tape recorded messages of Brother Branham"

In the mid 1970's Cloverdale Bibleway began an extensive 4½ year project of filtering Brother Branham's taped messages. During this period five hundred and thirty messages were completed working from the latest to the earlier messages. Full time staff worked incredibly long hours during these years to provide churches and individuals with the best quality tapes possible. About 300 of these filtered master libraries were made and sent worldwide. Some Missionary minded churches duplicated and sent out additional libraries to the mission fields.

For about 8 years the Bible Believers Radio Broadcast was aired on twenty-seven stations, which covered most of the continental United States and Canada. As well, the broadcast was aired on 100,000 watt Swazi Music Radio in South Africa, which covered an area inhabited by 87 million people. It was during this time that the message of Brother Branham was offered to the listeners free upon request. We received approximately 1000 letters of response per month. As a result we began to manufacture our own cassettes to meet the demand for Brother Branham's sermons.

As the Message spread around the globe and ministers were called of God to feed and care for the sheep, there was an earnest cry to provide these humble little servants of Christ with the Message. Thus the term "Seed Library" was born. After much prayerful consideration, a library of 160 messages was selected to send out to these pastors so that they could feed the Elect Children of God with the stored up food. Every born again Believer can only rejoice that literally hundreds of ministers have received these libraries.

Around 1981 Brother Joseph Branham contacted us asking if we were interested in selling the duplicating equipment that was connected with the filtering project. It was decided to sell the filtering and duplicating equipment to Brother Joseph as he expressed a desire to filter the balance of Brother Branham's messages. We were happy that he had a desire to continue this work.

On February 23, 1983, a letter was sent out by The Branham Tabernacle referring back to the resolution of July 30, 1965, and seeking to bring it forward to apply once again after many years.
As stated previously in this article, Brother Branham's use of the word "Franchise" in the quotes that we are all very familiar with clearly are in reference to the "making the tape" or recording the messages as he spoke them. How could a prophet attempt to franchise the Word of God?
For someone to infer that any message material that does not come from VOG is "stolen food" is preposterous!!
Neither Bible Believers nor Cloverdale Bibleway has ever applied for any copyright or ownership to the Message itself.

Around 1998 the Lord made it possible for us to put the messages of Brother Branham on the Internet, thereby truly making the Message without borders, and ensuring that all Believers could have access to the Message, especially in countries where the distribution of books and tapes is severely restricted.
Before we put Brother Branham's Message on the Internet we applied to have a trademark for "William Branham Audio Library", for the sole purpose of preventing any one of the many enemies of this Message from applying for the Trademark and taking Brother Branham's voice off the Internet. We were advised that the words "Audio" and "Library" could not be trademarked. However, we could register the name "William Branham". There was absolutely nothing insidious about this application, nor was there any ulterior motives.

Our only objective was to protect "The Voice" on behalf of all believers.

It was stated on page 11 of "Here I Stand" that this was for our "exclusive use". This is absolutely untrue. It is for the unrestricted use of the Bride of Jesus Christ worldwide. We have absolutely no controlling ambitions whatsoever. It is our prayer that VOG would follow our example.

On page 12 of "Here I Stand" it is stated that this Trademark is considered "to be the ultimate act of disrespect against our father." How could the act of taking a very important step of precaution to ensure that Brother Branham's voice would go unrestricted to every nation be "the ultimate act of disrespect"? We lift up the voice of God's Prophet for all to hear and this is disrespectful? On the contrary!! For over 40 years of his life, Brother Byskal has honored our beloved Prophet, Brother William Branham, throughout the nations of the world.

While Brother Branham is indeed father to the Branham family, and we highly respect them as such, yet God made him the Prophet to the Bride in this last age, and as such he holds a much higher position than that of an earthly father to his children. When Brother Branham went beyond the curtain of time, it was not his earthly children that ran to him, it was his converts to Christ. Over the years we have supported VOG through our giving and prayers and appreciate every book, tape and effort that they have made towards the furtherance of this Message.

It is our sincere prayer that the information we have provided has been helpful.

There will be no further responses as we have adequately and prayerfully responded to the issues of concern.

Brother Ed Byskal and The Board Of Trustees
Bible Believers / Cloverdale Bibleway

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